About Me

Hi and Welcome to Eating 4 Balance!


My name is Madison and I have a passion for eating healthy. I also love to bake and cook (but mostly bake).


Up until about a year ago I would have said that my favorite food in the world was peanut butter. Now that I have an allergy to peanuts (you can read more about that in the “About Blog” tab) I can no longer claim that nut butter to be my favorite. Now I have a few: sweet potatoes, bananas, almond butter, tuna and frozen berries.

I’m currently following the GAPS protocol to heal my stomach, so there isn’t much variety right now in my foods. I still love to post recipes, and hopefully soon I can introduce some of those foods that I mentioned above!

Aside from food, I also have many other interests. Reading and writing are some of my favorite hobbies.


Animals will always hold a special place in my heart (big dogs kind of scare me though).


My favorite color is pink but you will hardly ever see me use it or wear it.


I love school, and that’s pretty fortunate because I just graduated from high school in the spring of 2012 and am now embarking upon a journey through higher education. My major is Business Administration with a specialization in Accounting because I love Math and analyzing things.

Please leave a comment so that I can get to know you better, and if you’d like, follow my blog so that we can share the ups and downs of this amazing journey together.

Also, if you have any comments, questions, concerns, or recommendations, you can contact me by email: alleyhays [at] gmail [dot] com. No my name is not alley… Dead fish… long story.

I’m open to doing sponsorships, product reviews, etc. as long as I feel like they align with the focus of my blog. Again, any questions, just ask! (Also, *hint hint* for any potential companies out there, I’d love to try out any/all cooking products like vegetable spiralizers, cast iron cook ware, and things of that nature.)

61 thoughts on “About Me

  1. Hi Madison!! Welcome to this jam-packed corner!! 😀 hehe. I have to say, your cat is sooo adorable~and he/she is like the skinny version of my cat. LOL. Wowww it must be pretty tough having to deal with the allergies, but it’s interesting to see how people handle that in their daily lives.

  2. Pingback: What I Ate When Tackling the BEAST | Eating 4 Balance

  3. Hi Madison
    My name is Elen and I’m brazilian
    I have been living in Canada ( Toronto) and this week I’m going to start my College 🙂
    My course is Culinary Management Nutrition,because I have a passion for eating healthy 🙂
    I love your blog
    Nice to meet you
    ps> Sorry about my English..lol

  4. Pingback: WIAW – fall into good habits – Push ups & Sleep – lot’s of food – epic Protein Bars and Protein Pancakes | EAT and get MOVING

  5. Thank you for the comment on my blog. It’s sounds like being such a big food lover but multiple allergies is a huge challenge, but you’re handling it well! I majored in Accounting in college and hated math, so I think you’ll do well. =) Good luck with finding the right balance for you in every aspect of your life!

  6. Hey Madison my name is Ashley and I am from New York. I am glad you commented on my blog because now I found yours. 🙂 I give you props for embarking on Accounting. It was my least favorite business class lol.

    • Thanks for commenting! What did you area of business did you major in? I have to wait until my sophomore year to make my first Accounting class, but I think I will like it because Math is one of my favorite subjects. *fingers crossed* Lol.

      • Yeah I took my first in sophomore year also. I did Business Management as my undergrad and am currently doing it as my graduate (5 year program). I liked it because it provided me with a little bit of everything. I am sure you will like Accounting Then. It is a lot of numbers but not overly complicated like Finance. I got the basics it was when you had to figure out cost and if balance sheets matches up where you lose me lol.

  7. Peanut butter used to be my favorite food too! When I spent three and a half months living in Hungary after graduating from high school I missed peanut butter so much that my mom would mail me a big jar of Skippy every couple of weeks. It was awesome. But then I ended up allergic. Like super epipen-carrying allergic. Peanut allergies are a hard one because people eat them everywhere and they can show up in random things sometimes. And Halloween seems to be solely dedicated to the consumption of peanuts these days.

    We’re all in this together.


    • I used to go through a jar of organic peanut butter every week… I was seriously addicted. Nowadays I wonder if my obsessive consumption of it led to my allergy, or maybe I was drawn to it because of my allergy?? Too many possibilities 🙂

      There is literally not one piece of Halloween candy that I can eat. Probably for the best though 😀

      Thanks for the lovely comments!

  8. Pingback: My 5 Days of Paleo – WIAW Halloween Edition | Eating 4 Balance

  9. Pingback: Liebster Award | Scribbles & Sprinkles

  10. Pingback: Numero Dos! | Scribbles & Sprinkles

  11. Hey, I can’t find an email and wondering if you can email me? I’m older than you but experiencing tons of issues also, but not mentally “able” to embrace a gaps type protocol. I know everyone is different, but would love to chat if you can/want. Just email anytime. Thks.

  12. Pingback: Apparently I’m Versatile. | Scribbles & Sprinkles

  13. Hi! I’m Aurora, I’m also an 18 year old college student! I recently found out I have minor peanut allergies as well (my skin just breaks out), and I’m definitely a peanut butter addict. I only most like have some type of gluten intolerance, so I’m trying to eat more Paleo. It seems we may have somewhat similar dietary restrictions, so I’ll definitely check back here! I’m always looking for new recipes!

    • Hi Aurora! I’m so glad you commented. I love meeting others with food allergies. We sound like we have a lot alike with age, and college, and food issues.

      Have you found any relief with your skin since eliminating peanuts and going Paleo? My skin is not perfect, but it is much more manageable.

  14. As I was just typing this I realized that you’ve already been nominated for a Liebster Award…don’t know how I missed it! 😦 Well, just wanted to tell you that I nominated you again, so if you feel like doing the survey again, please feel free.


  15. Hi Madison! I’m also a freshman at college who loves animals (I’m majoring in microbiology/french for my undergrad) and am studying to be a Veterinarian. Looking forward to reading more on your blog!

  16. I’m contacting you on behalf of FastPaleo.com. You may or may not have heard of us. We’re a paleo recipe sharing site with over 2,000 recipes in our database. All recipes are submitted by paleo bloggers who are passionate about the lifestyle. We post all recipes to our page and Facebook page, and we do blogger shoutouts and cover our bloggers in our newsletters to make sure you get lots more new followers. This has worked out wonderfully for us (growing database), and for our contributors (lots more followers, sometimes hundreds of them). I would LOVE for you to contribute some of your awesome stuff to us!
    Have a great day!

  17. Hi Madison! I’m going to be a freshman this coming fall with a major in law but I’d like to take some business courses as well. Glad to have found your blog, it’s lovely to discover blogs written by fellow college students. 🙂

    • Best of luck with school! I just love college and I bet you’ll have a great time. If you ever need any advice (not that I’m much older or wiser really 😉 ) feel free to ask. That’s a good idea to take some business courses. They’re so helpful for everyday life.

  18. Hi Madison from your newest follower all the way from Ireland 😉 It must have been so hard for you when you found out about your peanut allergy. I haven’t eaten white bread/rolls etc for years as I used to look pregnant after eating it. I was eating wholemeal and wholegrain but decided to try and cut down on the amount of that I ate also. Hence I started dabbling in gluten free cooking. I’m a newbie to the blogging but a lifelong lover of cooking and eating 😀 🙂 Looking forward to more of your recipes. PS You should try my Cauliflower topped fish pie it is delish x

  19. Hi Madison,
    Just found your blog! I majored in accounting in college (just graduated this past spring). Looking forward to following along!!

  20. Your recipes are AWESOME! I look forward to weekends because it gives me time to try them out. Thanks for posting and keeping the blog interesting.

  21. Hello Madison, I just recently started a Primal Diet and beyond just frying beef in a pan, I was pretty hopeless in the kitchen. Having had no clue how to cook period, I was very pleased to find your blog and recipes. Thank you very much for sharing as you have. Very cool.

    ps- your pic reminds me of overly attached girlfriend a bit, was that on purpose?

Let me know what you think. Leave a reply!