I Just Remembered… (MIMM + WIR)

I just remembered that I have about one bazillion plus one pictures that I haven’t shared on here from my summer and back-to-school antics. Among these are the rest of my weekend trip in Michigan with my family, some pictures from a recent shopping excursion with my mom and her friend, as well as just some random these-don’t-belong-anywhere-else photos that I have no where else to put.



Notice that none of these lay mention to my dorm room. That time will come eventually. I just need to clear out my computers from my internship and that will give me a ton of extra space.

Right, about that… It turns out that my school requires a username/password to access their internet, and the phone that I run through the internet is not setup to require a password. Ergo, I can’t do the internship any longer.



I have two main thoughts on this:

  1. Oh my gosh. Money!! I really needed that money. Like A LOT.**
  2. This will free up a lot of time for studying and just doing whatever I please. Already in the two weeks since school starts without taking any calls (what I did for my internship for those that don’t know) I haven’t once felt like I had too much time on my hands. I also never feel rushed. So maybe it really is for the better.

** So that’s just me being melodramatic. I have enough money to cover my school bills in my bank account as of right now, and it won’t kill me to take out a loan. I know that there are people out there with actual money concerns and mine are not even near as dramatic as theirs.

Overall I think I am also a lot less stressed without the addition of work, but that’s both good and bad. Yes, I don’t want to be OVER-stressed; however it was good practice for the real world outside of college and having that constant commitment kept me on my toes.


I’m going to be taking back my computer and phone equipment in the next few weeks and hopefully get to chat and say goodbye to my intern coordinator. She was such a nice lady and always responded to all of my questions (which were quite numerous as you can imagine). This trip will also lend itself to a trip to Whole Foods and/or Trader Joes so if that happens there will definitely be more Pictorial Deposits in the near future 😉

That’s all in the future though. Let’s wrap up the past and get crack a’ lackin!

Week-In-Review-Button-FinalI’m linking up today with Katie at Healthy Diva Eats for MIMM and Meghan at Clean Eats Fast Feets for Week in Review.


I took a lot of self portraits at work.


But instead of being obnoxious and posting one every day… I decided to bombard you with them all at once.

It’s proof that I did not wear a t-shirt/jeans/shorts every single day. My parents will be so proud (if they read my blog 😉 ).

It seems that I have an affinity for long sleeves, stripes and plaid. Hmm. Go figure- I actually have a “style.”

Before I get too retrospective and lose everyone’s respect let’s move on. After all, this blog is not about fashion!



Now here is Part 2 of my weekend with my family up in Michigan this past summer (sorry in advance for the inordinate amount of photos).

After going to Greenfield Village at the beginning of the day, we took a short break recouping during lunch and messing around on our respective technological devices. Then my dad got it in his head that it would be fun to walk around a nearby college campus. You can just imagine my brother’s groans in protest and my mother’s dubious looks (I probably complained too but must have just blocked that part out… 😉 ). Upon explaining that the campus was well-known for looking like the grounds of HOGWARTS though we were all on board!

Instead of driving I pulled the directions up on Map Quest and suggested that we walk since it was only about a mile away.

Once we got closer I became increasingly more excited because it really DID look like Hogwarts.



The weather was absolutely perfect!




I felt like I was a student at Hogwarts… Just waiting for Harry Potter to walk around the corner.






Way far in the distance you may be able to spot a person in a light-colored shirt. There were actually two kids getting there senior pictures taken that day on the campus grounds. I bet they turned out amazing!


My mom.


Thing #1


Thing #2 (I’m guessing they were supposed to be monks?)




Me in front of a “passageway.”


Whomping Willow anyone?!


There was a lot of construction going on while we were there, which I tried to avoid in all of my pictures because it just kind of ruined the mood.



Madison Street!

I’d highly recommend for all of you Harry Potter fans out there to visit the campus whenever you’re in town. It didn’t take very long to walk around but I would love to go back there some time and have a picnic, take some more pictures, and if classes were in session maybe even take a look inside!

Alright…. Now let’s skip forward a few weeks to first of the September when I went shopping with my mom and her friend.

As I’ve mentioned before, coming from a small town we don’t have many specialty stores around to shop at. That limits the variety of things that we can buy as far as clothes, food, etc. More importantly, for my mom at least, it really puts a damper on the school supplies that she can buy for her classroom. We used to have a really great teacher store around us but that closed over five years ago so now we have to trek over an hour away to get to the nearest one.

Some may have found it boring, but growing up a teacher’s daughter I’ve gotten accustomed to teacher stores, quick trips into town for last-minute supplies, and helping with back-to-school crafts (<< one of my favorite parts aside from helping her grade tests!).

I know that there a few teachers that also blog out there, so this is for you all. I guess if you really like shopping/books/stickers you’ll like all of the pictures too… 😉

You Know You are in a Teacher Store When…

There are bulletin boards in the bathroom.


There are aisles upon aisles of books.


And stickers…


I guess I should also specify that these stickers are AWESOME!


Look closer… That’s right! Scratch and sniff. Stickers scented with the best foods known to man: Chocolate, Peanut Butter, Pizza, Grape, Popcorn, Strawberry, Cola, Lemonade, Apple, Taco, Bubblegum and there was even MORE on the other side. Heaven.


I even came across these. I think it’s safe to say though that our homemade versions were just as good and much cheaper 🙂


Now to wrap up this post a little something to remember from a scientific genius who we have all learned from over the years:


Well said Einstein. Well said.

I think I will take his advice and catch up on my fairy tales with Once Upon a Time this week to prepare for the new season. Who’s with me?


Questions for you:

Have you ever gone anywhere that has reminded you of the set of a movie?

What scent would you want your scratch and sniff stickers to be? Cookie dough or cupcake. Duh.

What shows are you excited for this Fall? Or sad to see leave from the Summer? Excited for Once Upon a Time (but I’m WAY behind on my episodes…) and sad to see Rookie Blue end.

Viernes – Sit Back and Relax

Hi everyone! I hope you all have a wonderful Friday. I had a post almost completely written up but I just am too tired to finish 😦


Tomorrow I have a big presentation to do at 8:30AM with my intern group so tonight I’m just going to sit back, relax, and enjoy some Rookie Blue 😉

I’m going to try and finish/publish my Friday post either this weekend or at the very least Monday. I also have giveaway to plan for my blogiversary that I missed a week ago!

Catch you later 🙂



Finally… It’s Friday and I’m Officially Launched!


Whew. So that’s over.

What’s over you ask?

My customer support training!!

There are still a few steps to take before I can officially say that I’m done, but I think it’s pretty safe to say that the long hours are finally over…

Haha. Just kidding. I’ll now have the same hours as always, but I just won’t be walking back and forth between training classes, mock calls, and my desk. Soon and very soon it will be 24/7 cubicle.


I’m not entirely sure whether I like this thought or not. I’ve heard that the first week after training is an absolute nightmare on the phones. Interns get really stressed out apparently about being let off their leash. Hmm. I can totally see that happening to me. Some of the guys are like “Freedom!” I’m over here like “Don’t leave me alone!”


But I digress. My first day of launching didn’t go too bad. I had a few kooky questions. However, overall I got lucky with pretty easy problems to solve.

I should share more because that’s how blogs work. I write. You read.

Right now though I need to sleep. My brain is fried like a deep fried oreo…



Let’s try that again as I dislike deep fried oreos… (?!)

My brain is burnt like a good old fashioned marshmallow…


Hmm. Moving on because I just can’t think of a good metaphor. My brain is *that* worn out.



How about I just wish you all a happy Friday and weekend! Hope to see you on Monday for a MIMM post. No question, just tell me what YOUR BRAIN FEELS LIKE TODAY. I’m going to stick with the marshmallow.

The Way the Frozen Banana Blends

I’m almost caught up with my comments! I know that this will sound like a broken record, but I really do appreciate how patient everyone has been with me the past few weeks. Obviously it’s not a requirement to respond to all comments; however I like to show how much I love each and every one of them so I try to reply every time. Personally I’m thrilled when a blogger responds to my comment on their blog, even if it’s just a little smiley face 🙂

On the other hand, when a blogger doesn’t respond to someone’s question in the comments that really irks me.

Another thing that irks me?

Driving in cities.


A lot of you are probably rolling your eyes right now thinking to yourselves “Duh Madison! That’s how our whole lives have been. We’ve grown up in the city, we’ve driven in the city since day one. Deal with it.”

But I haven’t grown up in a city. I have rarely driven in “downtown” areas EVER. Where I come from the only time traffic gets backed up is when there is construction.


When I drive somewhere, on a really slow day I may pass a total of ten cars on my way into town (15 minutes). And that would be a “town” of 20,000 people maybe. Not 20,000 people in one block but 20,000 people TOTAL. When I look for a parking spot I sometimes have to park a little ways from the store (like 15 or so rows in a parking lot). I DO NOT ever NOT find a parking spot anywhere.

By now you may have tired of my rant, but I promise, it’s just getting good. Are you in a bad mood? Feeling a little down? Well– prepare to laugh because I’m about to make a fool of myself by sharing an embarrassing parking story on the world-wide web.

Today my fellow interns and I got out of work 1 hour early so that we would have time to make it to a local meet-and-greet for local interns. Theoretically one hour should have been plenty of time to drive there and find a place to park. Starting from work my GPS said that I would arrive at 5:01. That was before construction/city traffic ate up all of my time and I ended up arriving at 5:20.


Add another five minutes when I realized that I had entered the wrong address from the e-mail notification.

Add another 20 minutes until I found a parking garage.

I entered said parking garage and received my ticket (also where I come from there are no “tickets” to park. You just park. Plain and simple). Then when I realized that there were no spots to be seen I circled back around ready to head deeper into the garage. That’s when I passed a parking attendant in a little look-out booth and I realized that I probably was heading the wrong way.


Too late. I then realized that I had left the parking garage and there was no turning back so I made an awkward turn up to the pay station. Except I was too far away to reach through the window so I had to get out and wave apologetically to the man in the car behind me. Then I proceeded to put my ticket and credit card in the wrong way and have it flip in and out, in and out like a man-eating machine. I seriously feared that I would never get my credit card back AND be stuck inside the parking garage gate.

When I realized I had put the ticket in upside down I promptly did it correctly, paid $1.20 for a total of 30 seconds of “parking” (really just a nice little drive through) and literally jumped in my car because I was worried the gate’s bar would lift and close before I had a chance to cross over into freedom.

At this point my little parking escapade had cost me another 10 minutes, making it 6:05 and me being royally late to the intern meeting.

Oh, and I still had no where to park.


That’s when I decided to:

1. Give up, go home, and get something for supper (driving sure has a way to make a girl hungry!).

And 2. Call my mom and rant, much like I’m doing now, about how I hate driving in the city and how I will never ever live in one again.



This may possibly be the strangest lee-way ever into the most untraditional WIAW ever, but, that’s the way the cookie crumbles folks.

Or the way the frozen banana blends, seeing as how that’s what I’m currently chowing down on. 😉

For today’s WIAW I wanted to do something kind of different. Perhaps now though, since I never follow WIAW rules anyways, this is actually not “different” but normal? Eh, who cares really?

Today one of my favorite authors, Sarah Dessen, came out with a new book called The Moon and More. I’m so excited to read it that books have been on my mind all day! In keeping with the book theme I thought that sharing meals based on famous children’s books would be a fun way to go. I even included some snacks at the end to keep with WIAW‘s theme. Definitely my favorite snacks of all time!

Breakfast: Eggs, Ham, and Fresh Blueberries

Green Eggs and Ham by Dr. Seuss


Blueberries for Sal by Robert McLoskey


Lunch: Soup and a Glass of Milk

Stone Soup by Marcia Brown


It Looked Like Spilt Milk by Charles G. Shaw


Dinner: A Big Bowl of Spaghetti

On Top of Spaghetti by Paul Brett Johnson


Snacks: In Moderation of course…











Now I’m off to prepare my meals for tomorrow, get ready for bed, and snuggle in with my book Kindle app to read!



Do you like driving in the city or country better?

Is it difficult to find parking where you live?

What is your favorite children’s book involving food?

Are there any new snacks that you included in your WIAW today?