Let’s Get it Pinning in Here

Let’s Get It Pinning in here…

And the base keep pinnin’ pinnin’, and pinnin’ pinnin’, and pinnin’ pinnin’, and pinnin’ pinnin’, and
pinnin’ pinnin’, and pinnin’ pinnin’, and pinnin’ pinnin’, and pinnin’ pinnin’, and…

Are you ready to get started with The Lean Green Bean’s next Pin It Party? Yah!!!!!

Are you now currently humming along to the Black Eyed Peas song? Yaaaahhhhh….. No.

Get your head out of the music and refocus, because right now it’s all about Pinterest. There’s no time for Fergie today.

Pin It Party

Everyone is welcome to participate and the rules are simple:

  • Round up 5 blog posts you’ve written that you would like to see on Pinterest.
  • Make sure there is a nice, pinnable image or photo included in each post.
  • Write a short post featuring the posts you chose- ie, put 5 nice images & links to the posts all in one place, along with a short description of each post.
  • On Thursday, publish your post, then visit The Bean and add your post to the linkup!

Below I have gathered my 5 posts that I would love to be pinned, and to further excite things, I have also included some more items of Pinterest “interest” (ha! 😉 ) towards the end that I think my fellow pinners may love as well.

Grain-Free Banana Scones

Grain-Free Banana Scones – This is my most recent recipe here on Eating 4 Balance. The scones are naturally sweetened with honey and bananas, and topped with a deliciously simple almond butter glaze (nut-free and vegan substitutions listed).

Basic Paleo Pancakes

Basic Paleo Pancakes– These are my fluffiest grain-free pancakes to date. Like most of my recipes, they are very allergy-friendly, and being made from neutral flours they would be wonderful with a variety of toppings.

Microwave Cinnamon Rolls (Paleo and Vegan)

Microwave Cinnamon Rolls– In case you are new to my blog, you should know that the only thing that rivals my passion for pancake recipes is my love for cinnamon rolls. This cinnamon roll recipe in particular is great because it can be made in just a few short minutes and has a serving size of two. It’s perfect for a quick morning breakfast.

Easy Apple Pancakes (Gluten-Free)

Easy Apple Cinnamon Pancakes – Like I said, I love pancakes. With a combination of apples, nut flour, yogurt and eggs these are a are a great hearty (and healthy) way to start your day.

Catching Fire: Recipe Round-Up

Catching Fire Recipe Round-Up – This may be one of my most time intensive posts ever (except for my 12 Days of Allergy-Friendly Christmases). In honor of the release of Catching Fire I went through the book, found all mentions of food, and then proceeded to match up a majority of them with recipes that I have found around the blog world. If you are a Hunger Games fan, you don’t want to miss this post. It would be a great resource for a party when Catching Fire is released on DVD!


Of course, a pinner is nothing without the amazing pinners that she/he follows. Below are just a couple of my favorite boards on Pinterest. They range from style to funnies to Disney stuff to gorgeous scenery… and then of course there are the food boards. Most recipe boards I follow are just for “pinspiration” but there are a few allergy-friendly ones in there as well.


I hope you’ve found some delicious recipes to pin and interesting new boards to follow! My pinterest account is here if you’d like an awesome daily slew of puppy chow recipes, obsessive Harry Potter memes, and a constant influx of allergy-friendly recipes.

If you have a Pinterest board that you think I’d like to follow (it can be yours of course!) let me know in the comments. I’m always looking for someone new. Pinterest is one addiction I’m not sure I will ever break 😉



Pin Around the Rosie

Hey everyone! I’m just popping in for a quick post today to participate in Lindsay’s Pin It Party over at The Lean Green Bean.


Today I am sharing five recipes that you can easily pin on your Pinterest boards.

For ease of use I included a Pin It button to the right of each recipe title so that you can add the picture to whatever board you like. To see the recipe itself you can either click on the recipe title or the picture itself. After pinning one recipe just hit the back button in your browser and it should take you to this post again so that you can pin even more! 😉 (Let me know if there are any technical issues or mistakes on my part with the pins/links!).

Easy enough, right?

Make sure to link-up your top five posts for Lindsay’s link-up today!

Grain-Free Cinnamon Roll Bread 


Coconut Flour Cinnamon Rolls pin-party-cinnamon-rolls-final-2

Grain-Free and Vegan Biscuits 


Chocolate Chip Banana Muffins 


Apple Chunk Cinnamon Rolls (Grain-Free and Vegan) 


And if you’d like to follow me on Pinterest for my most recent food finds, funny memes, and all around interesting stuff, go here!


If you’d like me to take a look at your Pin It Party post leave a link in the comments.

If you have a recipe that you think I’d enjoy and would like me to pin you can leave a second link and I’ll make sure to pin it!

Quite the Collection (WIAW)

Okey dokey. Like I said on Friday’s post, I have a lot to share in the upcoming weeks, so let’s just jump right in and get started. Up first are some recent, random pictures from the end of my summer and the beginning of school.

My mom, being a middle school teacher, started class a few days before me, so I helped her with some back-to-school crafts! (Both Pinterest-inspired of course).

The first one was for her open house. We made all of her students these cute pencils… out of Rolos!! My mom did most of this craft in wrapping the candy rolls in the pink/yellow paper and aluminum foil. I went out and picked up some sticky dots at the dollar store to attach the Hershey kisses. I think the turned out adorable and provided that extra boost of excitement to the beginning of the year.


The next craft we did was for my mom’s fellow teachers. This one was much simpler but extremely useful. Basically she just typed up all of the teacher’s names on her computer in a nice font, printed them out, cut them out, and then I modge-podged the names onto one side of a binder clip. At only $1.00 for a pack, this craft literally cost pennies apiece. As a final precaution I also modge-podged over top of the names to make sure that they didn’t peel off. Within a few hours they were completely dry and ready to go.


There were a few leftover binder clips so I got to keep them. Instead of putting my name on the clips I just took a black permanent marker and decorated them in cool designs. I didn’t think I’d really use them but I’ve already employed one for holding all of my Astronomy homework assignments together.


You can also throw in some school and clothes shopping in there as well, but sadly I don’t have many pictures of that. I can say however that I got some excellent deals. For clothes my mom and I went to our favorite thrift store and each walked out with two huge bags full of name brand clothing in great condition. I think I paid around $65 for about 20 or so things (pants, capris, long sleeve shirts, sweaters, skirts…) and my mom paid a little less (she got a boatload of capris- 10 maybe? All Eddie Bauer, Loft, etc.). For shoes we went to the closest outlet mall about 45 minutes away and I found two pairs of shoes. One pair of new tennis shoes for $35 and another pair of slip-ons for around $!5 when it was all said and done (50% second pair!).

Now let’s move on to the bulk of today’s pictures. No recipes today (sorry!) because as soon as I’m done here I’ve got some Accounting and Statistics homework to work on.


Let’s leave homework out of our minds for just a few more minutes though, okay? I’ve great a great collection here of four things that I’ve made recently and I hope that you all enjoy them!

In order of creation:

Chocolate Pancakes


Or carob pancakes. Whichever you prefer. I just made these based off of my Unbelievably Grain-Free Berry Pancakes (minus the berries), substituting 1/4 cup of carob powder for the almond flour. They turned out well; however next time I will try adding an additional source of moisture like maybe an avocado or an extra banana (we were out of both when I made these for my parents so I couldn’t experiment).

Grain-Free and Vegan Biscuits


Along with these biscuits I also made up some great sandwiches so I’ll be sure to post about those soon too.

Strawberry and Carob Chip Pancakes


I made these pancakes as part of Sarah Pie’s Chopped Kitchen Challenge. I’m linking up today sans recipe but will be sharing it soon and add in the link here for future reference later.

Vegan Blueberry Pancakes


That’s right! Grain/Gluten-Free Pancakes that are also Vegan.

Alrighty. I know that’s kind of cruel to leave you hanging, but I’ve really got to get a move-on! Pages to read and financial statements to analyze… You know how it is 😉

After you leave a comment here, don’t forget to check out the hundreds of other bloggers who posted their delicious eats today. Thanks Jenn 😀


Questions for you:

What has been your most successful Pinterest creation thus far? (If you have never made anything off Pinterest, what are you planning to make in the future?)

How has the weather been in your area recently? Last week it was positively steaming over here, but thankfully things have cooled down a bit to the mid 70s. It’s also not rained much yet while I’ve been at school, but it was wet at home over the weekend.


Happy Wednesday everybody!

Buzzing Around the Web

So I just woke up to 8 texts from my mom. She was at a business conference with my dad and getting bored so she decided to textbomb my phone… The first text that I missed was before 9:00PM. I’m pretty sure I feel asleep on my bed about 30 minutes before that though. The first thought that I had when I woke up was, “What happened?” Let me tell you what my conclusion is- Life happened.


This is a real freaking job people. With real ups and downs. Real long hours. Real customers who are sometimes happy, and sometimes not. And those not-so-happy customers will make you want to quit and just cry, but you have to keep on swimming.

When I woke up tonight after my unexpected nap at around 11:00PM I promptly texted my mom back so that she would know I wasn’t a. ignoring her or b. dead (although let’s face it- all mothers automatically assume the worst and always go with b). Then I washed my face and brushed my teeth and hopped back in bed. Yep, no need to put on pajamas because my sweat pants and volleyball shirt came on as soon as I got back from work.


It’s now 6 minutes til 12:00AM so I am going to wrap this post up fast with a simple round-up of links that I found particularly interesting this week. You should check some of them out because I think you’ll like them too!

First category- food for obvious reasons. Here are some mouth-watering-good recipes that I stumbled upon this week in WIAW blogs as well as Pinterest and other random places:

Grain-Free, Egg-Free Pancakes from Purely Twins


Peanut Butter and Jelly Blondies from Peachy Palate


Vegan Caprese Baked Pasta from Edible Perspective


Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups– Inside Out! from Chocolate-Covered Katie


Five Minute Vegan Alfredo Sauce from The Fitchen


Second category- food for thought posts. These are the posts from bloggers that really made me think, which in my eyes is always a major accomplishment.




Taylor Made It Paleo wrote a post this week with a new recipe for a Sweet Potato Breakfast Hash. In itself the recipe looks great, but not particuarly earth-shattering. What I found interesting though was her introduction where she confesses that she had a number people rudely point out to her that her macaroon picture had a blonde hair in it…. Really? Is that what people do now? Have they moved on from body shaming to food shaming now? Let’s spend our time more wisely people– like perhaps making Taylor’s macaroon recipe. It sounds like you had a bad day and good use some dessert to cheer you up.


Running With Spoon’s The Stigma of Healthy Living. I really like this post from Amanda because she points out the judgmental tendencies of bloggers and the effects that they can have on fellow bloggers- like feeling the need to not share everything we really ate for fear of being ridiculed or picked apart. Again, that’s not what this community is for! What I really appreciate is that Amanda pointed out these things without being judgmental herself. I feel like so many people have written posts on similar topics in the past few weeks, but have been quite hypocritical in the sense that while calling others out on being judgey, they too have been putting others down.


Third category- pinterest pins. Here are just a few pins from my boards this week that I thought were worth sharing.

Last but not least are some buzzfeed articles that I believe are either hilarious or thought-provoking. Most likely both. I swear, buzzfeed is one of my favorite websites these days. I can get lost for hours just browsing through their articles.

8 Foods We Eat in the U.S. That Are Banned in Other Countries– There really are some frightening ingredients in our food.


11 Mouth-Watering Pokemon Cupcakes– Who wouldn’t want to eat an adorable Jiggly Puff pastry?


16 Most Outrageous Things that Betty White Said– Oh man is she funny!


What’s It Like Playing Candy Crush– Although I’ve never played this, I know many of you do!


17 Delicious Ways to Use Up Old Bananas– I know you foodies will appreciate all of the ideas!


Now I’m off to bed for real this time! Tomorrow is Friday and this weekend I’m heading home to celebrate a few family birthdays (Happy Birthday Mom!). I’ll be sure to share lots of pictures of the festivities on the blog next week. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!


Share your favorite Recipe, Food for Thought post, Pinterest Pins, or Buzzfeed Articles from this week. Spread the love and put the links in the comments!