Me, Currently

WIAWs get better week after week, am I right? If you missed mine, check out What I Read On This Fabulous Wednesday. I also shared a new recipe made of cauliflower rice. It’s the first thing on my list to make when I get home tomorrow!


But WIAW is in the past for now. How about something more current? Like this super cool idea that I saw on the blog Chasing Chels yesterday.

The idea is to respond to all of the categories with what you’re loving most this minute. Think on some of these things as you read and enjoy!


Current Book: As I shared on Wednesday, I’m reading two right now. Frankenstein and The Search for Meaning. I’m also supposed to participate in a book discussion next week for Life of Pi, but that isn’t very likely to happen (it’s not for a class, so no penalty).


Current Music: At school- nothing. On my rides to and from school- whatever country music station is in range. Or I just sing to myself. Favorite song to belt out- Everytime We Touch. Such an amazing ballad line.

Current Guilty Pleasure: Army Wives on Netflix. I’m always a sucker for romantic war stories. I watched part of this series when it first came out, but had to stop because I was “too young.” Maybe 12 or 13?

Current Nail Color: All natural. It’s the new chic, or haven’t you heard?


Current Drink: Peppermint tea. Good for soothing my stomach. Speaking of which… I should go make some right now!


Current Food: Would it surprise you if I said soup?

Just call me Souper (Wo)man!

Current TV Show: Same as above. Toss in the occasional ABC Family drama (Pretty Little Liars or The Lying Game) or an something on antenna (New Girl, Big Bang Theory or The Mindy Project). Over the weekend I watched a few episodes of That 70s Show with my brother when he was sick.

Current Wish List: More time.

Current Need: A nice restful nap.

If only I was this cute when I’m asleep!

Current Triumph: Keeping up with all of my school work and not procrastinating too much.

Current Bane of My Existence: All of the boy-obsessed giggly girls on my floor.

Because one can never have too many quotes from the likes of the Foremans.

Current Celebrity Crush: Forever and Always. This guy:


Current Indulgence: Coconut Oil. On Everything.


Current Blessing: My sweet dog waiting at home to greet me.


Boy, doesn’t that face just say a thousand words?

Current Slang: Chill out. I say this to my dad on a daily basis when I’m at home. He hates that phrase… Then my brother started using it.

Current Outfit: A Snoopy T-Shirt that says “Futbol,” a pair of maroon Nike sweatpants, and red/white fuzzy socks.


Current Excitement: The fact that I get to go home tomorrow. I know, I know. I’m supposed to be making friends, having the time of my life, and “experiencing the world.” I do that for five days a week. Give me a break.

Current Mood: Laid back. Not a care in the world until I have to start my MIS assignment. Let the stress begin!

Current Link: In order from the top of my internet window:, {this post specifically}, {Cascada}, {looking at what “current” thing I need to write about next for this post},,


Does anybody else read WIAWs like it’s their job?

So, now what to leave you with?

Have a terrific weekend and Martin Luther King Jr. Day for those of you who do (or don’t) have off. For me that means three days of no school, but still tons to do. I hope everyone can find some time to take a break and just enjoy.

Happy Friday!


Pick a few of the “currently” survey categories above and answer them!

What is your favorite kind of tea?

What one ingredient do you put on everything?

31 thoughts on “Me, Currently

  1. AHHHHHHHHH!! Yay!! I’m glad that you decided to do it 🙂 And I absolutely love your answer to your wish list question…seriously, that’s awesome and not something I ever would have thought of!…and the boy obsessed giggling girls made me laugh since I felt the same hahaha 😉 My favorite kind of tea is either chai or sugar cookie…and one ingredient I put on everything? Probably marinara sauce…I know that sounds weird but I love it on eggs, sandwiches, veggies, meat, etc…I like to think it’s a little better than ketchup 😉

    • Glad you liked it! 🙂

      Yum. I love chai tea. Haven’t had it in forever though!

      And I would agree- Marinara has got to be better than ketchup. Plus it tastes good on pasta… I’m not sure ketchup would make the greatest topping for spaghetti. Haha.

  2. Haha I like that you said the thing about how you are social 5 days of the week. That’s more than enough for me! If I lived closer to home, I think I’d be spending a lot less weekends on campus and a lot more on my couch eating mac and cheese.

  3. Army Wives addict over hear. I started watching it when it first came out, then I because obsessed when my fiancee joined the Marines. A bit unrealistic, but I still love it!

      • It’s kind of over exaggerated. The emotional part when they deploy is captured fairly well, but so much magically works out for them all and it’s not really like that. My fiancee hates it – rolls his eyes every time it’s on! I still watch it though!

      • It’s definitely more like a soap opera than anything reality but I’m still a fan!! I think it’s nice that someone at least though to expose what these families can go through (even if it’s a bit overboard!)

  4. I used to listen to Cascada’s music almost daily. Thanks for reminding me how amazing she is 🙂

    Current Mood: Happy & Relaxed
    Something I put on everything: It depends, but I use maple syrup, peanut butter, salsa & mustard everyday.

    • Cascada is amazing! I find myself singing this song all the time.

      Maple syrup and peanut butter sound pretty good together. And I love chips and salsa. I have to admit that I’ve never been the biggest fan of mustard 😀

  5. I love this post. I love all the graphics and the accompanying music. Fabulous job. Currently, I’m multi-tasking: reading blogs, working on some posts, making chocolate covered bananas wrapped in walnuts, doing laundry and cleaning out the linen closet. Busy but a mix of business and pleasure. Have a great long weekend.

    • Thanks so much. I’m always worried about having a good balance of pictures and text. Sometimes I think I get too-heavy handed with pinterest!

      The chocolate-covered bananas sound great; I hope they turned out well.

  6. I love that you had an urban dictionary browser open. I use that site on a constant basis, because I’m not hip enough to understand what anything means these days, lol.

  7. Pingback: My Souper Weekend (WIAW) | Eating 4 Balance

  8. I started reading Life of Pi and need to finish. I loved the movie and it is one of Marty’s favorite books! And my current indulgence is peanut butter (though this is pretty much an all-time indulgence. I’m not sure it will ever go away!) 🙂

  9. Pingback: Currently #2 | Eating 4 Balance

  10. Pingback: Bust a Move Cause It’s Friday | Eating 4 Balance

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