Grain-Free Cinnamon Roll Bread (WIAW)

I feel like every week we all say “surprise!” It’s Wednesday again. But 1 out of 7 days start with a W. That’s about 52 times a year. Wednesdays are pretty common, and with them, WIAW blog parties are pretty common too. That’s not to say that they aren’t still exciting though. Heck, if I could celebrate a holiday (especially Christmas or Thanksgiving) every week I sure would.

Grain-Free Cinnamon Roll Bread (Vegan option)

Actually that’s probably possible seeing as how there are so many National Days/Weeks/Months featuring everything under the sun. There’s a national doughnut week, a national banana lover’s day… And today (August 7) is national Lighthouse Day. Seriously. In this country we find a way to celebrate EVERYTHING.

Despite our tendency to over-celebrate though, I never get tired of parties.


Just like I never get tired of WIAW. Thanks Jenn 😉

As I mentioned on Monday, I have a new recipe to share today. It’s made with grain-free flours and is also easily able to be converted into a vegan/nut-free recipe. This was inspired by my desire to make cinnamon french toast for my parents when they came up to visit this past weekend. After a disastarous attempt to make pancakes that almost set off the smoke alarm on Saturday though, I decided to just stick to using the oven. Gas stoves can be so touchy- I didn’t want to press my luck.

You may realize upon close inspection that this bread recipe is much like my Carob Chunk Cookie Bars that I posted a few Fridays back. And you would be correct. I changed around the ingredients a little bit, this time using eggs in place of the flax (however flax will still work great for an egg-free version), increased the sweetener a little bit, added some cinnamon, and topped it all with a super easy and delicious topping.

Grain-Free Cinnamon Roll Bread (Vegan option)

Ready to dig in?

Grain-Free Cinnamon Roll Bread

Wheat/Gluten/Wheat-Free, Dairy/Egg-Free, Nut-Free Option, Peanut-Free, Refined Sugar-Free, Paleo

Grain-Free Cinnamon Roll Bread (Vegan option)

Bread Ingredients:

  • 2 eggs (or 1/4 cup ground flaxseed + 1/4 cup water)
  • 1 ripe banana, mashed
  • 4 tbsp honey (replace with maple syrup to make vegan)
  • 1/4 cup coconut oil, melted
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1 1/4 cup almond flour (any other nut flour or seed flour will work)
  • 1/3 cup coconut flour
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 1/2 tsp baking soda (optional-because I forgot!)

Topping Ingredients:

  • 2 tbsp coconut oil, melted
  • 2 tbsp honey
  • 1 tbsp cinnamon

Grain-Free Cinnamon Roll Bread (Vegan option)


  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
  2. If making without eggs- combine ground flaxseed and water in a small microwave-safe bowl. Heat the flaxseed mixture in the microwave for approximately 2 minutes or until the water is all absorbed. Otherwise skip to step 3.
  3. Add the mashed banana, honey, coconut oil and vanilla extract to the flaxseed mixture (or two eggs). Stir until smooth.
  4. In a separate bowl mix all of the dry ingredients together. Then mix in the wet ingredients. Combine well.
  5. Grease an 8×8, 9×9, small cast iron skillet, or small baking pans with coconut oil (all will work).
  6. Distribute the dough evenly and spread out with a spoon/spatula.
  7. Combine the topping ingredients and drizzle over the dough.
  8.  Bake for approximately 30 minutes or until the topping looks crispy and the bread springs back to the touch.

Shared at Food Forager.

Grain-Free Cinnamon Roll Bread (Vegan option)

From my pictures you can see that I made the bread both in a small cast iron skillet which I sliced to serve, as well as a single-serving round pan. The “pan” was actually a washed out large tomato sauce can. Aluminum cans work extremely well for baking if you just remember to grease them thoroughly.

Grain-Free Cinnamon Roll Bread (Vegan option)

In one bite my mom declared that this tasted just like a pastry that you would buy from a bakery.

Grain-Free Cinnamon Roll Bread (Vegan option)

I’ll ask you again- Are you ready to dig in NOW?


Questions for you:

What is your favorite offbeat national holiday? I think tomorrow is pretty unique being “Sneak some zucchini onto your neighbor’s front porch day.” I swear I’m telling the truth!

What is your favorite kind of pastry? I would have to say that a fresh glazed doughnut just can’t be beat.

Gas or electric stoves- which do you prefer? Electric for me!

65 thoughts on “Grain-Free Cinnamon Roll Bread (WIAW)

  1. I can’t even keep up with all of the national food holidays, and the sad thing is that I don’t usually find out about them until way after the fact, so I can’t really ‘celebrate.’ Oh wells… I can still eat tasty food 😀 And speaking of which, I’m loving the look of this bread – you had me at cinnamon roll ❤ But you're right… there's something about donuts that's really, really hard to beat.

    As for stoves, I actually prefer gas ones because I've always found them to cook a lot more evenly and better. I had to switch from gas to electric when I moved out, and I definitely notice a big difference in how my cooking comes out.

    • I can’t keep up with them either. I don’t usually find out until the day after or because someone mentioned it in a blog post. I found out about national light house day only because I literally typed today’s date into a search engine along with the words “national day.” Haha.

      Donuts (doughnuts? Eh, I wish there weren’t two spellings 😦 ) would only be made better if there was a cinnamon roll flavor. Which I’m sure there is…

      Maybe the gas stove in my apartment is just no good (or I just don’t know how to use it) because it seems to have only one level- HIGH no matter how I turn the knob.

  2. Hahaha seriously, sneak some zucchini on your neighbour’s porch?? That’s crazy. I’m not even aware of the different UK national days… but I’m happy to celebrate anything really. Anything to make people smile and enjoy a day! 🙂
    The recipe looks very tatsy – love how rustic it looks in the skillet as well.
    We have a gas hob and I believe a gas oven (it’s a fan oven…?). Works well, does the job haha.
    Favourite pastry…ahhh too hard a question!

    • That is crazy. Why would someone give up perfectly good zucchini?! 😉

      I like the gas oven itself, but making pancakes on a gas stove top is just not conducive to my set it and leave it tendences when making pancakes that take awhile to cook. haha.

      It is a hard question. I actually have no idea where my doughnut answer came from either. Blueberry muffins, vanilla cupakes, cinnamon rolls… It’s just too hard to choose.

  3. Girl, you didn’t even have to ask me once if I was ready to dig in. I was having dreams of this delight (okay maybe not.. but I have been pretty stoked for the recipe). I totally thought it’d be a lot harder to make too.. so the fact that it seems pretty easy just makes me love the recipe even more!! SCORE

    • Hehe. If you had been dreaming of my cinnamon roll bread that would have made my baker’s heart sing ( 😉 ). It is incredibly easy. I’m all about easy when it comes to baking. You can change out the liquid sweetener, make it vegan or with eggs, substitute the coconut oil with butter (um… yum!) and even use an all purpose flour in place of the almond flour (veggie dancer did that with my carob cookie bars with great success!). Let me know if you give them a try.

  4. Oh man, I’m ready to dig in! I’ve been trying to eat less grains because they really mess with my stomach. I seriously never thought cutting them could be delicious! Love all your substitutions so everyone’s happy! You’re so sweet! Oh, and I love your photography! It’s so pretty!

    • Grain-free eating can certainly be delicious! If you ever make a grain-free recipe I will be sure to try it out on the family… and knowing your baking prowess (hello! that blueberry pie you posted the other day looked incredible!) I’m sure they’d love it.

    • That’s great to hear. 🙂 I think I need to start experimenting with some non-dessert/baked good grain-free recipes now. I did a lot over the winter months… (really, shouldn’t it be the opposite with the holidays? Hmm. I don’t know) but not much lately. My task for the weekend!

  5. That looks and sounds amazing! I think I’d bathe in cinnamon if I could – bet this smells insanely good when it comes out the oven 🙂 Do cakes count as a baked good? Because I have the biggest coffee and walnut cake obsession at the moment!

    • A cinnamon bath would be heavenly from the smell alone. It does smell so so good. That’s how I judge a recipe success now. If it smells and looks good I’m happy because I can take pictures for the blog. Then I’ll have to ask… Does it taste good? So far they haven’t said no thank goodness 🙂

      Cake totally counts. Oh, speaking of walnuts, my dad said that this bread could only be made better by adding some additional crunch on top with- you guessed it, walnuts! He’s becoming quite the foodie. He actually describes what my experiments taste like now… Sweet, dense, chewy, moist, etc. Before he was so vague. Lol.

  6. National ice cream day! I’m not a huge pastry fan, but I do love a nice cinnamon roll at least once in the fall 🙂 and i definitely prefer gas..,electric have always been a pain in the rear for me!

  7. Haha I love that beginning and how you transitioned so smoothly into WIAW. Well done! I’m horrible at that sort of thing.
    Well that bread sounds just fantastic – and so versatile depending on the allergy! Thanks!

    • Really? Thanks 😀 I feel like I’m a complete disaster when it comes to introductions. How much more random can you get than national zucchini… day?!!

      Sure thing 🙂 To make nut-free you could use seed flour like I suggested, or even all purpose flour. Veggie Dancer made my cookie bars with a gluten-free all purpose flour and it turned out looking great!

  8. I actually prefer gas at my Uni house and now at home we have electric, and I just can’t stand them! They either don’t heat up fast enough or you can’t get them to cool down fast enough 😦 And although I’m not a pastry fan at all I love a good apply pie that has just the right depth of pastry to filling!

    • That’s so interesting that everyone seems to prefer gas! I agree that electric doesn’t heat up very fast, but I just feel safer when cooking on them. Hmph. Maybe I need to give them another shot. The oven for sure is awesome, just not the stove!

      Oo. Apple pie. Good choice!

  9. This looks great,and I love how diet friendly it is in many areas! on my to do list- Now thats two cinnamon style baked goods planned for this week! Favourite pastry is tough, as I’m not really a fan, but I love a hearty muffin!

    • Ah yes. I can only guess that the other cinnamon baked good recipe comes from Christine. That looks epic and amazing. Definitely go with hers first if you are looking for something decadent and don’t need to worry about gluten!

      Muffins, especially blueberry or pumpkin/apple are always a good choice.

  10. Haha there is a national holiday for just about everything! But my favorite would probably have to be national ice cream day because it gives an excuse to eat even more ice cream 😉
    This bread looks wonderful! Fresh, gooey cinnamon rolls with cream cheese frosting would probably have to be my favorite pastry so this look like something I would LOVE. 🙂

    • National Ice Cream day is a pretty safe choice for delicious food.

      Frosting.. Hmm. That’s an idea! I need to make some kind of icing for this. That will be hard without powdered sugar though… I’ll figure something out 🙂

  11. I love all the random holidays, more so the ones revolving around food 🙂 My favorite pastry might be croissants filled with either nutella or almond cream!
    Oh and I started a blog again 🙂 more focused on movie this time around!

    • Shoot. I forgot to “approve” your comment! I’m so used to comments just coming right through… Um, pastries filled with almond cream sound fantastic.

      And I’m so excited about your new blog! I’ve read both of your posts and just need to find the time to comment 🙂

  12. I need to make a special calendar for all the foodie holidays, complete with reminders a week in advance. How do I not know more about Banana lovers day. I need to correct that, stat. I also need to try this cinnamon roll bread. Do you think I could use Pastry flour in place of the nut flower. I I it defeats the grain free purpose, but I’m trying to work with what’s in my pantry.

    • I think pastry flour should work fine in the recipe. Veggie Dancer used a type of gluten-free all purpose flour when she made my cookie bars (and this recipe is basically the same idea): And hers turned out really really well.

      And I think the purpose of a recipe is to taste good and satisfy the baker, grain-free or not 😀

      If you did want to stick with grain-free though you could always grind any seeds or nuts that you have into a fine meal/flour, but again, I think pastry or even all purpose should do the trick. Just to note, the batter should be pretty thick before you put it in the pan, just a little thinner than regular cookie dough. If you need substitution ideas for the coconut flour just let me know because I know a lot of people don’t have that either.

      Borderline too many links, but the first time I even heard of banana lover’s day was on Chocolate-Covered Katie with her brilliant recipe round-up:

      I probably shouldn’t have given you that last link because now my cinnamon roll bread pales in comparison 😉

  13. Pingback: Together Tuesday #20 | Jessie Bear, What Will You Wear?

  14. Pingback: Pin Around the Rosie | Eating 4 Balance

    • I have tons of gluten and dairy free recipes on here so there’s load for you to try!! I’ll have to keep a look out on your blog for some awesome experiments 😀 Let me know if you have any questions about any of my recipes!

  15. Pingback: What I Ate Wednesday… WITHOUT the Pumpkin | Eating 4 Balance

  16. Pingback: What I Made in 2013 | Eating 4 Balance

  17. We’re doing a paleo diet and can use all of the products except honey or maple syrup. Would it make a difference to omit the honey?

    • Hi Erin. The honey/maple syrup serve as the sweetener to this recipe and give the cinnamon roll bread some of its flavor. You could certainly replace the liquid sweetener with an equal amount of mashed banana or date puree to make up for the moistness and add some natural sweetness. Increasing the salt to 1/2 tsp may also help as sometimes additional sodium helps to bring out sweetness (although I would experiment to find what amounts work best for you).

      Question: Do you use any sweetener in your paleo diet such as stevia or even coconut sugar? If not, just go by my suggestions above. But if so, you could definitely add a few tbsp of coconut sugar or an equal sweetness of stevia along with the moisture of 1/4 cup of banana.

      Let me know what you end up trying without the honey!

  18. This was the first paleo bread recipe I have tried, and I wasn’t sure how it would tun out. I am happy to report that it was easy to prepare and wonderfully moist and delicious! My family loved it and I will definitely be baking this again. Thank you!

  19. I just made this. Fantastic! Very tasty and moist. I have to go away for work, and I’m going to take some with me. Helps keep the healthy eating on track. How long do these keep for? Thanks!!!

    • Good to hear Stacey!

      To be honest, whenever I’ve made this bread, it has been gobbled up within hours, so I don’t know for sure how long it will keep. I would say that in the fridge the bread could probably last up to 5 days. Otherwise, maybe 2 to 3 days depending on how it was stored.

      I do know that grain-free baked goods are best when stored in a dish covered with just loosely with aluminum foil. Otherwise, in plastic containers/ziploc bags they get super moist and there is condensation.

      So, if you are going away to work and you have access to a mini fridge, I’d make up this bread in one of those throw away aluminum pie pans, and then just loosely cover it with some aluminum foil when storing. That way you don’t have to worry about taking a glass dish with you 🙂

      Whatever route you go though, make sure to let the bread cool completely before doing anything. Otherwise that heat will create so much moisture and just be a disaster.

      Also, if you have a few days before leaving for your trip, you could always experiment with a few different ways to see what works best for you! What a great excuse for some cinnamon roll bread, am I right? 😉

      Anyways, let me know what you try! I’m interested to see what you find works best. Traveling and trying to stay healthy can be so challenging.

  20. This recipe looks wonderful. I want to try it. I will try using single serving corning ware dish as I would be concerned about using aluminum can, especially from tomato sauce. There is a lot of information on the Internet about BPA from these cans leaching into the food.

  21. Pingback: 21 Paleo Breads with No Wheat or Grains Whatsoever | Paleo Grubs

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