Seriously Strong

Most of the time my blog is all about me, which kind of makes sense because it is mine. Every once in a while though, I like to share some of the super awesome posts that I have read during the week.

Today I am going to feature seven bloggers whose posts really made me stop and think. All of them have in some shape or another shared some very personal thoughts and put it all out there. I want to showcase them today with the hopes that you will find them just as inspiring as I have!

So, without further ado, here are the blog posts that I think are…

Seriously Strong

Peace Love and Oats’ How Blogging Influences my Life


Katie opened up a great discussion on her blog on how blogs influence our lives, both positively and negatively. She talks about how they can sometimes make us feel insufficient or cause us to judge ourselves against other bloggers, something that we should never ever do! Katie also makes a good point about making decisions based on what we feel is right, and not letting the fact that others are reading about our lives change what we know is right for us personally.

The Run Within’s Reflection Throwback


Alex wrote an awesome #frEDdom post earlier this week and showed how far she has come by reflecting on one of posts that she wrote when she first began blogging. Even when she was just starting Alex was so in tune with herself. Her post really made me think about what beliefs that I have that are holding me back.

STUFT Mama’s “Expecting?” Reaction


Sometimes it’s hard to decide what to share on your blog, but Kristin decided to brave it all and recap an encounter she had with some not-so-pleasant gym goers. Most people would have gotten mad, but not this lady! STUFT Mama is my favorite fitness blog and one of the fittest people that I know, which just goes to show you how off-base some people can bef.

Picky Runner’s Boston Blogger Brunch


Sarah went to her first official blog meet up and shared the details on her last What I Ate Wednesday. I know I personally get really anxious when meeting new people, and she admitted on her blog that she got nervous and almost backed out. Sarah was really open with all of the thoughts she had during the meet-up, and shared a lot of the food fears she faced. Going out of your comfort zone is what it’s all about and in the end it was all worth it.

A Dash of Meg’s Weight Gain Afterthoughts


In response to a reader’s comment, Meg spoke about negative thoughts that can sometimes arise when dealing with weight gain. She is currently lifting weights and doing a great job at fueling her body, and has gained 4.5 pounds so far! I almost feel like it may be easier to talk about weight loss on a blog because a lot more people are doing that these days, which makes weight gaining a lot less heard of and understood. Meg provided really good insight into what she did to prepare for gaining weight, and showed a lot of courage in her journey so far.

A Tablespoon of Liz’s Guess What!


I’ll admit that I haven’t followed Liz that faithfully in the past, but I always check in every once in a while to see what’s new. Liz just posted yesterday about her struggle with digestive issues (something that I can totally relate with), and more recently a new diagnosis that basically changes everything. She’s being so open about it on her blog though, and I can’t wait to read more about how she’s overcoming Ulcerative Colitis.

Running with Spoons’ “You could be skinnier if..”


Rude encounters have been happening all over the blog world apparently, and Amanda was cool enough to share hers. Some strangers really don’t know the effect that they have on people, especially regarding body image and weight. Amanda handled it beautifully though, and received some amazing comments. She even was brave enough to go in and speak to the manager so that what happened to her wouldn’t happen to anyone else.

And I just realized that this is kind of like my own version of Meg’s High Five Friday, so I’m definitely linking up this week!



And that’s all for now folks! Hope you have some amazing weekends like always, and I look forward to reading your posts next week!


Have you read any of the posts that I mentioned above?

What posts have you read this week (or anytime really) that have made you stop and think?

28 thoughts on “Seriously Strong

  1. I read most of the posts you mentioned love and couldn’t agree with your reasons for pointing them out more 🙂 I also think it’s wonderful that you used your space to highlight other bloggers….very sweet indeed! And now I’m going to go read the posts you mentioned that i haven’t read yet!

Let me know what you think. Leave a reply!