A Little Bit of Everything Awesome

It’s Friday… Are you excited?

I’m excited.

There has been SO MUCH awesomeness going on recently that I decided to just smoosh everything together into one big post.

Awesome #1: All of your comments. I know I say that all of the time. But really, you don’t know how much they mean to me. So many heartfelt, encouraging comments on What is Normal Anyways? and so many food-related, fun responses to my last WIAW. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you!

Awesome #2: Today I’m participating in a Relay for Life event that I’m so excited about! My parents are coming up along with my aunt and one of her friends. I have five friends from school joining me. It’s going to be a blast.

You may remember from my “Normal” post that I was kind of stressing out over the whole thing. Still stressing because I did not raise nearly as much money or put as much time into our team as I had hoped. As one of my friends said though, “Just showing up is a big help.” So true. I hope I can remember that when I’m staying up until 7:00 AM tomorrow morning. Walking. Trying not to fall asleep.

Awesome #3: I love reading blogs so much. Here are a few posts that I found especially “awesome” this week:

Peace Love and Oat’s PicMonkey Tutorial.

Life of Di’s Merry Little Playlist. (<<Totally stealing this idea soon!)

Peachy Palate’s Vegan Chocolate Zucchini Brownies.

Cranberry Love BlogHop where I submitted my cranberry banana “ice cream”

Awesome #4: Christmas Window Shopping at Walmart with my mom last weekend!

Christmas bags are almost as awesome as what comes inside!

This would be perfect if I lived in a place with no snow. Here though, it’s kind of like a death wish. Next thing you know we have a blizzard…

Again, method of transportation may be even cuter than the gift itself.


Getting fancy with the usual Christmas tins.

20 Dollars of pure awesome. We couldn’t stop laughing!

I NEED these for my dorm room windows.

And these… If I can’t eat a gingerbread house, I might as well have one for my windows.

Okay. All of the lights were actually working.

Pretty… But I don’t really see how Peacocks and Christmas really go together.

Is nothing sacred? What happened to red and green? Since when is Christmas about nail polish and cupcakes?!

Mom: Do you want a pink tree for your room.

Me: Hmmm… No.


Awesome #5: After today, I only have four more days until Thanksgiving break!

For some healthy holiday food, check out these links:

GlutenFree * Thanksgiving * Table on Pinterest

What Would Cathy Eat’s Healthy Thanksgiving Challenge


Have you ever used PicMonkey? 

Done any Christmas shopping yet?

What are your travel plans for Thanksgiving?

*Edited to add: My honor’s program is about to buy our annual book that we get for being members. I have four options and would love some feedback on which one to choose! Here they are: A Fault in our Stars by John Green, Cloud Atlas by David Mitchel, Life of Pi by Yann Martel, and The Bluest by Toni Morrison.

14 thoughts on “A Little Bit of Everything Awesome

  1. I haven’t started shopping yet, but really need to. Hopefully this weekend…
    I love your cranberry banana ice cream idea, yum!

  2. Pingback: What I Ate the Day Before Thanksgiving | Eating 4 Balance

  3. Pingback: Seriously Strong | Eating 4 Balance

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