What I Really Think When Reading Inspirational Quotes

I was just in the process of reading those fun blog surveys that you know I love so much when I came across one of the questions about “What is your favorite quote?” Usually I just soak up the inspiration and move on. This time though I paused to really consider what the quote was saying.

And then I laughed.

That’s probably not what you were expecting to hear from me, right? From my title you were most likely anticipating something a lot more serious?

Today’s post is far from serious though. We all need to laugh once in awhile (hopefully every day) and I hope that at least one of these inspirational quotes causes at least a little giggle to escape that Friday, bleary-eyed face that I’m confident 99.99% of you are currently are wearing.

Disclaimer: In no way am I trying to negate the positive effects that inspirational quotes can have on a person or make fun of those who post them frequently. I have used them often to cheer me up on a dreary day, probably even some of these quotes specifically. These are just random ones that I found on the internet and I jotted down the first thought that I had in my mind. As you can tell from the comments, my brain has quite the sarcastic tendencies. 

What I Really Think When Reading Inspirational Quotes


My momma told me to never lie.



Unless your bike chain falls off. If you try to keep on moving then you would probably end up with a few scraped body limbs.



I think this one should say “If opportunity knocks, build a building, build a door frame…” Then you can insert the door.



False. The nearest star is over 4 light years away. If you miss the moon you would probably hit another planet/asteroid before reaching the stars. Oh, and you’d run out of oxygen first…



Really? Tell that to my hands that think they can carry plastic grocery bags for over a mile. I’m pretty sure I’m NOT as strong as I think.



Actually, at any given point it’s always raining somewhere on Earth. Unless we are talking about the Moon where it never rains, but I don’t think that’s where the writer was going with this one.



I guarantee that there’s another question that I’ll ask myself at the end of the day… “What did I have for breakfast this morning?”


Questions for FRIDAY:

What do you think of inspirational quotes?

Do you ever laugh when you read them?

Have you smiled yet today? 🙂

26 thoughts on “What I Really Think When Reading Inspirational Quotes

  1. 😆 <— And I AM actually laughing 😉

    This is exactly what I expected when I read the title of your post. Actually, as much as I love a good inspiration quote when I need a little boost, more often than not I don't find they do all that much for me. Nice in theory, not so much in execution. Music, on the other hand… hits me in profound ways.

    • I’m glad you made it clear whether you were really laughing or not 😉 Now forever I will always pause whenever I post an LOL or HAHA… or Smiley face!

      Just the right song can really turn my day around so I very much understand where you are coming from with that.

  2. I’ve noticed that I’m not really inspired by most of these quotes. I like your approach, though.
    Guess I just prefer movie quotes. “These aren’t the droids you’re looking for.” 😉

  3. Hahahaha I absolutely love this. Sure inspirational quotes are good pick me ups when you’re feeling a bit downhearted, but most of the time they’re a little too sappy for my liking. Or stupid. Usually the ‘fitspiration’ ones really make me roll my eyes…”sweat is weakness leaving the body” “pain is weakness” mumbo jumbo. Stuff like that doesn’t work for me. I’m more like to think: you know what I’ll go lie down for a bit instead.

    • I agree that they’re way too sappy most of the time. Fitspiration ones are so annoying too! All of the “pain” quotes make me literally not want to workout. In fact, if anyone asks, that is why I’m not out at the gym for 2 hours sweating out my “weakness.” Haha.

  4. Oh whaaat this may be one of my favourite ever posts! Seriously, you should make this a thing – find a quote, turn it on its head, lolz ensue. I’m all for these quotes if people get a kick out of them, but I do find them a little.. cringey sometimes. These are too funny I need to re-read this post now!

  5. Your reactions are hilarious and I’m glad I’m not the only one who sometimes finds those quotes to be too much. Don’t get me wrong I love them (I’m a suker for pretty words/graphics) but so many of them can be unintentionally amusing.

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  7. Pingback: 365 Days of Inspiration, from the WP Community | The Virtual Virtuoso

  8. I enjoyed them all and your comments after I enjoyed the best. I thought I was the only one who thinks and/or posts my own thoughts with quotes I find. LoL
    I liked the quote “Your Stronger Than You Think”. I so relate. I tend to try to carry more of them than I’m humanly capable and my hands screeaaam. LOL

    • Thanks Rivqa.

      Lol. Glad you can relate the “You’re Stronger Than You Think.” Seriously, grocery bags just KILL my hands.

      Thanks for the comment and I’m happy to hear that you also think some of these inspirational quotes are a little funny.

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