Two is Better than One (WIAW)

“So maybe it’s true, that I can’t live without you

And maybe two is better than one

But there’s so much time, to figure out the rest of my life

And you’ve already got me coming undone

And I’m thinking two, is better than one.”


What better way to start off a Wednesday than with lyrics from an amazing song? At least for me hearing a great song can make my day, especially a bad one, much better. For instance, on the way home from school a few weeks ago I was feeling pretty dreary. There was still snow on the ground and spring seemed a far off dream. I of course had on my favorite country music station, and when I was about 10 miles away from my house the song Honky Tonk Badonkadonk by Trace Adkins came on. Not exactly my favorite song mind you as in the presence of any other human being the lyrics make me slightly really uncomfortable.


Still, the phrase “slap your grandma” is so ridiculous that it makes me giggle every single time (Note: in no way am I recommending that you go out and injure an elderly person). Almost instantly that song brought me out of my funk and I was singing along in my car. There isn’t a better way to start the weekend than with a smile. 🙂


Let’s come back to the first song though. Now, obviously I can’t really relate to the whole love story part (aka- no significant other); however, I was still able to relate the song to something pretty important…

Yes. You guessed it. Food.

I truly believe that anything can be related back to food. Especially in this particular case, I’ve come to realize that when you only post one recipe, it’s impossible to cover all of your audience base. You post a recipe full of almonds and a nut-allergic person is immediately turned off. A meatza? Yep, you basically just wiped out over half of your audience of fellow bloggers who don’t consume beef on a regular basis.

For this What I Ate Wednesday post I have decided to take this factor into consideration and listen to the wise words of Boys Like Girls. Two is better than one. Or, two recipes are better than one. 😉


In fifth grade my homeroom teacher had class try a sugar-free challenge where we had to try and be healthy for a month and give up all forms of sugar. I commend her for intentions, but there is no possible way that my fifth grade self would have been able to do it. I tried! I tried very very hard. I even had my mom go out and buy me a package of sugar-free Pillsbury chocolate chip cookie dough. They were made with Splenda (not good, I know), and they were horrendous. Of course I ate them all, but that doesn’t mean they were good.

Later that year my teacher made up for her sugar challenge by sharing with us her recipe for candy pizza. Yes, a complete 180 from sugar-free, but that’s okay because this recipe was not horrendous. It was absolutely delicious. I no longer have the recipe, but it’s a pretty simple concept and I have been making it probably a few times a year since fifth grade (and that would be… 8 years ago?).

This last weekend I made one for my brother and actually remembered to take pictures. The recipe is not a full out recipe, nor is it healthy in the slightest. However, I have included dozens of substitution ideas to make the recipe fit any diet (from Paleo to Vegan, from Gluten-free to Sugar-Free).

Candy Pizza (with options to make allergy-free)



  • large baked chocolate chip cookie*
  • peanut butter*
  • chocolate chips*
  • candy toppings (I used Twix, Kit-Kats, and Reese’s Cups)*



  1. Bake a large chocolate chip cookie using your favorite recipe.
  2. Once it is completely bake remove it from the oven and top with a few big globs of peanut butter and a very generous sprinkling of chocolate chips (so scientific, right?).
  3. Place the cookie back in the oven and leave it in there until the chocolate begins to melt and look glossy.
  4. Remove the cookie from the oven and using a spoon or knife spread out the peanut butter and chocolate to top the entire thing. Even if the chocolate chips aren’t completely melted, keep on swirling as they soon will be!
  5. Then, add your choice of candy toppings.
  6. Place in the freezer until the chocolate-peanut butter sauce solidifies. Cut and enjoy!




Allergy-free substitutions:

Chocolate chip cookie: You can use an allergy-free chocolate chip cookie that you like for the base of this recipe. A few good replacements would be Chocolate Chip Blondies (Grain-free, vegan, nut-free),  Paleo Chocolate Chip Cookies (Grain-free, refined sugar-free), Quinoa Chocolate Chip Cookies (Gluten-free, vegan, nut-free), and Chocolate Chippers (gluten-free, vegan). For those with corn allergies, there is an awesome sodium-free, corn-free baking powder available from Hain that I would recommend.

Peanut butter: For this you can use any type of nut butter like almond butter, pecan butter, cashew butter, etc. For those with both peanut and nut allergies, you can use sunbutter, pumpkin seed butter, or another seed butter. For those who can’t have any of aforementioned “butters” you could use soy butter as long as you don’t have problems with soy.

Chocolate chips: For both the chocolate chips in the cookie recipe itself, and for the chips that go on top, you could use Sunspire’s vegan carob chips (contains corn and soy), Enjoy Life’s chocolate chips (free of the top eight allergens), or the chocolate sauce recipe that I posted about previously (you can just use the sauce for the topping, and to replace the chips freeze and chop into pieces).

Candy topping: This is a pretty relaxed category as any topping you see fit should work. Any allergy-free candy would be great. Enjoy Life’s candy bars, nuts, seeds, gluten-free pretzels, leftover crumbly baked goods (like cookies, cakes, marshmallows, crackers or candies), marshmallows (store-bought, paleo, or vegan), granola or any other candy that you can have (like M&M’s, nut butter cups, etc. that fit your special diet).


The second recipe that I have to share needs no introduction really as I have been mentioning it off and on for the past few weeks.

Grain-Free Pear Crisp

Grain/Gluten/Wheat-Free, Egg-Free, Dairy-Free Option, Peanut-Free, Nut-Free Option, GAPS/Paleo-Friendly



  • 1 cup nut flour (you can replace both nut flours with sunflour— I used 1 cup almond and 1/2 cup sunflour)
  • 1/2 cup coarse nut flour (just grind 1/2 cup nuts or seeds until coarse, but not fine)
  • 1/4 cup coconut flour
  • 1/4 cup honey
  • 1/4 cup ghee (butter or coconut oil would work here too)
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 1 tsp + 2 tsp cinnamon
  • 1 tsp vanilla
  • 6 pears (or apples)



  1. Preheat oven to 325 degrees.
  2. Grease a 8×8 or 9×9 baking dish with ghee or coconut oil (not included in 1/4 cup).
  3. Peel and slice the pears. Layer them in the baking dish and sprinkle 1 teaspoon of cinnamon over top.
  4. Mix the dry ingredients together (using the remaining 2 teaspoons of cinnamon).
  5. Add the wet ingredients and combine well.
  6. Crumble the topping over the pear slices and bake the crisp in the oven for 20-25 minutes or until golden brown.

Note: If you don’t eat this immediately and refrigerate the crisp overnight the fruit may get a little watery. To prevent this my mom added an additional step when making the pear crisp. Before placing the slices of fruit in the baking dish she baked them for 20-30 minutes on a baking sheet in the preheated oven to get rid of some of the moisture. Thanks for the tip Mom 😉

Shared at Allergy-Free Wednesdays, Fat Tuesday, Slightly Indulgent Tuesdays, Gluten-Free Wednesdays, Thank Goodness It’s Monday.


What song has been stuck on your mind lately?

Name two things that go better in pairs than alone.

Have you ever made Candy Pizza before?

What do you think of my new blog layout? Can you see the font alright?

72 thoughts on “Two is Better than One (WIAW)

  1. thank you for making me realize what I’ve been missing out on for my whole life…. aka the candy pizza! Just look at all that melted chocolate.. YUM!

  2. Candy pizza? YUM. I’ve had that at Max Brenners before. Let me tell you, one of the best things I’ve ever had.

  3. oh my deliciousness! that looks kind of amazing!
    I totally lock myself in my room on occasion and just blast music, it’s a great form of therapy 🙂

    • You’ll have to take a picture when you do. I need to find a picture from when I made it with my babysitting kids this summer. So. Many. Toppings. I literally just took out everything I could find from their cupboards and said “you pick.” Better words were never spoken 😀

  4. ok so now i’m craving a pizza covered with chocolate – thanks for that 😉
    Looks very tasty!!!!!!
    hehehee i LOVE LOVE LOVE the post about the awkward moment!!!! hehehee

    • Haha. I think it would be completely reasonable to add a little candy to breakfast. Or maybe make one of those candy-inspired meals? PB Chocolate Reese’s Oatmeal always has sounded good to me!

  5. Haha, I know what you mean about that song–it definitely IS awkward, in a sense. But oh so catchy as well!! One song that has been stuck in my head lately is Hallelujah–AKA the “Shrek song.” I had never really payed attention to the lyrics until maybe a week ago, and didn’t realize what it was really about…But if anything, I like it even more now. Both of those recipes look delicious, and I would love to make that pear (or apple) crisp in order to use up some of my coconut flour. I greatly appreciate the fact that it can be made vegan, and that it is gluten-free. And I think cookies made with Splenda would probably taste terrible as well–artificial sweeteners are nasty, at least in my opinion!

    • Very awkward. I think every time it comes on the radio and someone else is in the car I change the station 😉 And that Shrek song is very addicting too– great choice!

      I bet it’s hard to use up coconut flour with vegan recipes as I feel so many of them include eggs. I hope you like the pear (or apple 🙂 ) crisp!

      Ugh. I just hate artificial sweeteners. I can’t believe even at my low points I consumed things like that. Splenda was very short-lived. We bought a box of it once and it remained mostly unused in our cupboard for months. Then I used protein powder for an extended period of time. Just so fake!

  6. Yum!! That grain free pear crisp looks sooo good! And such a great idea for the cookie cake to the next level with PB and candy yum. Also that Trace Adkins song cracks me up! I cannot listen to “slap your grandma” without dying laughing.

  7. I would devour that candy pizza. I’d reach right through the screen if I could. It looks so dangerous. I like the new layout – everything looks good to me!

  8. That candy pizza…oh wow. It jut looks phenomenal. I think that would be dangerous in my house haha. I can just see myself eating it very slowly over the course of one day by just ‘tidying up edges’ hehe. Great idea though, your teacher was both cruel and amazing hehe.

    • “Tidying up the edges.” Oh boy does that bring back some memories. I used to do that whenever I made banana or apple bread. I would take slivers throughout the day to “try and make it even,” and then the whole thing would be gone before I knew it. haha.

      I agree- cruel and amazing, but since she *ended* the year right with chocolate, I think amazing wins out 🙂

  9. Both recipes look amazing! I just need to try them, like right now! I’ve never heard of a candy pizza before, but this looks like a total show stopper.
    I just rediscovered my former ‘theme song’ Nata di Marzo by Pizzicato Five. The title means ‘born in March’, which I am, so this song is simply perfect for me.

    • Let me know if you do. I think candy pizza would be a big hit at parties for sure!

      I just looked that song up on YouTube. So upbeat and peppy. Love it! I can see why it was your theme song. And I was just a “tiny” bit excited when I recognized that Marzo meant March… perhaps the only thing from my foreign language class that paid off. Haha.

  10. Oh GOSH that pizza is making me crave sweets like no other!! That’s definitely an interesting experiment for a teacher to conduct. I don’t think the kids I know could do it…Or me, for that matter.

    I’ve never made candy pizza, but I have made fruit pizza, which is like the best thing ever. (Sort of.)

    I love the new design!!

    • Ya, I was doing pretty well until I went to ski club the next Monday and accidentally got a chocolate chip cookie to eat. I really did forget… I’m pretty sure all of the kids in my class just lied though to impress my teacher. Looking back it was basically impossible to avoid sugar knowing what I do now about all of the places that it hides!

      Fruit pizza is pretty great. I love veggie pizza too, and combined they make a perfect meal in my opinion 🙂

      Glad you like the new design! Thanks for letting me know 🙂

    • There’s a first time for everything, but I totally know what you mean with the savory vs. sweet. I’m a sweet person at heart I think, but there are just times where salt seems better than sugar! Crazy thought for some people. Lol.

  11. Pingback: Coffee Catch Up | Chasing Chels

  12. Wow, not one but two delicious desserts. Of course, I love he pear crisp because I adore fruit although I wouldn’t be adverse to trying the candy pizza either. It sounds ridiculously good.
    I love using music to change my mood, get me ready for a workout, etc. It’s such an easy but uplifting thing.

    • I would be hard pressed to choose between chocolate or fruit for dessert. On the one hand you have chocolate chip cookie dough (!!!) but on the other you have blueberry muffin batter (!!!). How can you pick?! 😉

      I always forget at how great for the soul music can be, but you’re right– so uplifting!

  13. Pingback: A Simply Fluffy Friday | Eating 4 Balance

  14. Pingback: What I Cooked Up (WIAW) | Eating 4 Balance

  15. Pingback: {Belated} Halloween Favorites | Eating 4 Balance

  16. Pingback: What I Made in 2013 | Eating 4 Balance

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