Peanut Butter and Carob Chunk Cinnamon Rolls (WIAW)

Dang it! I was doing so well with balancing school and blogging then it all caught up with me 😦 It’s not exactly that I don’t have the time although that is part of the equation. It is more like I don’t have the brain capacity. Who knew reading about food, workouts and life required an IQ?

Unfortunately I feel as though I have reverted back to burnt marshmallow brain status. Here’s hoping that today’s post will remedy that a little. Please?!!


My mind these days is constantly swirling with horizontal models, orbital periods, blocking variables, and ups-men-throwing-computer-screens (what?!… check the bottom of my post for more on that πŸ˜‰ ). Oh, and let us not forget the honor beats of Native American Grass Dance songs that haunt my dreams.


Actually, my dream are crammed full of test nightmares, homework scares and the random celebrity sighting… Hmm, as a therapist would say: “What does that say about my life?” That I’m a stressed out college student who spends way too much time on Yahoo! News and Buzzfeed? (for the record, I have determined that reading those articles for the most part does NOT require an IQ).

My plan was to catch up on some sleep, blogging, comments and the works this weekend but then I forgot about a trip that I was taking. And I may have forgotten to mention it on here too however, in my defense it didn’t seem extremely important to mention it since I went on the same trip last year.

Yes! On Saturday and Sunday I went to the Stratford Shakespeare festival again in Canada! Recap coming next week most likely on Monday (or Wednesday if I can find any food shots of other people’s exciting meals on my phone).

If I have no food to share from the trip though I guarantee that I’ll have something fabulous to write about from this coming weekend when I get to go home. And BAKE. And see my family. And BAKE. And go to a wedding. And…

Bake some more. πŸ˜‰


Priorities people! I have almost run out of my arsenal of recipes because I haven’t been in a kitchen for almost three weeks.

Note that I said almost though and not completely…


Peanut Butter and Carob Chunk Cinnamon Rolls

Grain/Gluten/Wheat-Free, Dairy-Free, Egg-Free/Vegan Option, Nut-Free Option, Paleo/GAPS-Friendly

Makes 9 Cinnamon Rolls



  • 2 eggs (or 1/2 cup ground flaxseed + 1/2 cup water)
  • 1 ripe banana, mashed
  • 2 tbsp honey (or maple syrup to make this vegan)
  • 2 tbsp coconut oil, melted
  • 1 tsp vanilla
  • 2/3-1 cup coconut flour*
  • 1/2 tsp sea salt
  • 1 tsp baking soda
  • 1 recipe for carob chips
  • “Peanut” butter filling: 2-4 tbsp honey + 1/4 cup nut butter*

Carob Chunk Ingredients:

  • 1/2 cup carob powder
  • 1/2 cup melted coconut oil



  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
  2. In a small bowl mix up the carob chocolate ingredients and then pour half of the mixture into a small pan to freeze. Set the rest aside.
  3. Combine the egg (or flaxseed + water), mashed banana, honey, coconut oil, and vanilla until well combined.
  4. Then add the 2/3 cup coconut flour and mix well. The dough should be easily formed into a ball but not sticky. Add more coconut flour as necessary to get the proper consistency.
  5. Next mix in the sea salt and baking soda.
  6. Take the dough and place it on a sheet of parchment paper to roll out. I found that using my hands to mold the dough was best and formed a large rectangle that was about 1/4 inch thin approximately.
  7. Mix up the “peanut” butter filling and spread it out evenly over the dough rectangle.
  8. By now the carob mixture should be frozen solid in the freezer (takes about 15-20 minutes on average). Remove the carob bar from the freezer and break it into small chunks.
  9. Sprinkle the carob chunks over the “peanut” butter filling then carefully roll it up. It may be a little difficult if you used the egg version of the recipe, but once it is rolled up you can just form it together with your hands and piece together any tears or holes.
  10. Slice the roll into 9 pieces and place them on a baking sheet covered in parchment paper. Bake for 20-30 minutes or until golden brown (this time is really dependent on if you use eggs vs. flaxseed, how wet your dough is, and the strength of your oven).
  11. Then taking the remaining half of the carob mixture and drizzle it over the rolls. (You can make a DIY pastry bag like I did by pouring the mixture into a ziploc bag and slicing off the tip).


*Recipe Notes:Β I made this recipe with eggs because I have had a few people ask me about replacing the flaxseed mixture in my other two recipes with eggs. I found that this made the a wetter dough so I had to increase the coconut flour and even doing so made the dough much more difficult to handle. Next time I will probably just go back to the tried and true vegan version! The “peanut” butter for this recipe can be replaced with any type of nut butter that fits your dietary needs. I would recommend sunbutter for the most “peanut”-like taste. Almond butter would work as well!


Just in case you missed my past two cinnamon roll recipes, here they are:

Coconut Flour Cinnamon Rolls


Apple Chunk Cinnamon Rolls


Now that it’s almost fall I need to get on making some Pumpkin cinnamon rolls!

***Thanks Jenn for hosting WIAW yet again!!***

I almost forgot! Here is the video that I referenced above about the computer monitor-throwing man:


Questions for you:

Do you like cinnamon rolls?

What kind would you like to try next?

Is your brain like a burnt marshmallow?

What did you do this past weekend?

67 thoughts on “Peanut Butter and Carob Chunk Cinnamon Rolls (WIAW)

    • Stratford is incredible! I saw both Merchant of Venice and Fiddler on the Roof. They were amazing.

      Oh, and thanks for commenting on my lackluster post… when you saw it before my phone messed up a bit and posted before I had finished with my new recipe and all of the exciting pictures. I’m not sure even *I* would have commented on my own post with the mess that it was in. Lol.

  1. He-he, but burnt marshmallows are the best! πŸ˜‰

    I can’t wait to here about your trip and taste those lovely treats you are going to bake up. Have fun, Madison!! πŸ˜€

      • Are you absolutely serious?! I’m so glad I popped back here to find those lovely treats. Gosh girl, I thought I had a craving for cinnamon rolls from your last post, but this time you have me head-over-heals for some now! πŸ˜‰ It’s always frustrating when something gets posted before you’re done with it. It’s like a little disobedient post who tried to run away before you were done with it. πŸ˜‰

  2. Hope you find the balance soon- I still struggle week by week- but need to think of the long run- Only a few short weeks to go!

    Thats so awesome you went to the Shakespeare festival- you don’t live in Canada though do you? I’m so confused haha! you are the Queen of roll recipes!

    • How much longer until you are done with school? I still have quite a fee weeks left! πŸ™‚ 12 after this one is over.

      You’re right, I don’t live in Canada. It was a nice trip up there (at least 5 hours I think). We had to have our passports of course! πŸ™‚

      And you are king of the kabocha and oatmeal! Haha.

  3. I love cinnamon rolls! My grandma was a baker and use to make homemade ones all the time!
    I definitely can relate to that burnt marshmallow feeling πŸ™‚ Sometimes it’s good to step back though and take time to catch up on all the other things going on!
    I can’t wait to hear about the festival, it sounds amazing!

  4. Mm i love cinnamon rolls πŸ™‚ perfect fall or winter breakfast treat in my opinion! Hang in there, girl! Do what you need to do for you so that you stay sane with everything going on! It sounds like this weekend is going to be a ton of fun, so I hope you enjoy every minute πŸ™‚

    • Cinnamon rolls… I would have to agree that they make a fantastic cold weather treat, and I don’t know about you but I tend to break all of the rules so I feel like these would also be delicious in the spring and summer. Lol.

      I’m really looking forward to going home for two days so you are right- it’s going to be incredibly fun πŸ™‚

  5. “For the record, I have determined that reading those articles for the most part does NOT require an IQ” – But … how can you say that ;)?! Agreed.
    A Shakespeare festival sounds pretty interestig and I’m looking forward to hearing more details. From all of your posts I’ve determined that I need to take more weekend trips/find some interesting cultural festivals around here :).
    My weekend incuded a coffee date and walk with an old friend, baking and some more time spend outside – despite rainy weather.

    • Lol. I thought you were serious for a second and that I had offended you… Whoops πŸ˜‰

      The Shakespeare festival was great. I just love Canada and the general atmosphere. It’s so different than the states.

      You should no that I kind of laughed at your comment about wanting to be more cultural off of my posts. I feel like I’m the least interesting person Everrr. Haha.

      Your weekend sounds perfect. Really. I hope my weekend is just like that starting in a few days. Baking especially.

  6. YUM! All I can say is that I love all of the combinations of rolls that you have created! They look and sound so unbelievably awesome πŸ™‚ Right now I would lean towards the cinnamon one because fall is here and its so perfect for it – nothing more comforting πŸ™‚

    • Thank you! I’m glad everyone isn’t getting tired of them yet because we are just getting into the season now. I predict that I will have at the least one more version before Fall is over πŸ™‚

      Both the original coconut flour cinnamon flour and the apple chunk rolls have cinnamon so either would fit the bill!

  7. I talked about you on my blog today, and even though I hadn’t read your post yet, I think I was right. You need a night of wild debauchery to shake off the back to school stress. That or a round of baking. I hope you had fun at the Shakespeare festival (no lost tickets this year, right?) and I can’t wait to hear all about it.

    Oh and I love cinnamon rolls. All kinds. All ways, but especially smothered in icing.

  8. The rolls look fantastic!! Hope things settle down for you… I definitely understand that feeling of just not enough brain capacity left to do it all. πŸ™‚

  9. Aww well burnt-marshmallow-brain or not you still managed to do it all AND put up yet another killer recipe I have to add to my list. Respect πŸ˜‰ I can totally relate to that at the mo… baking sounds like a good de-stress though!

    So you totally got me thinking about these roll flavours… I’m thinking berries/some kind of jam? With a silly amount of coconut butter as a topping! Yes. This may have to happen… If I get round to it I’ll let you know how it goes!

    • πŸ™‚ Thanks Cat! I really appreciate your kind comment. It makes it all worth it!

      Baking is definitely my favorite way to de-stress…

      The filling is probably a good way to change it up. I’ve been thinking of jams or fruit too. Truth be told a peanut butter jelly version has been swirling in my mind for a time but maybe I should try something a little more normal first. Lol.

      Please do report back!

  10. Burnt-marshmallow brain doesn’t sound pleasant but this still turned into an awesome post (I haven’t caught up on comments in a while, I haven’t forgotten you I promise!) I need another cinnamon roll recipe from you to try like I need a hole in the head… but I can’t wait to make these one’s too so thanks for sharing πŸ™‚

  11. Oh I want to go to that festival SO BAD! It sounds like so much fun. And I think it was a good choice to go to that instead of catching up on blogging – gotta live your life! Not to say that blogging is a bad thing (obviously!) but sometimes it’s nice to not worry about it for a while.
    Can’t wait for the recap and the recipes!

  12. Pingback: Friday Food Finds #12 | Eating 4 Balance

  13. Pingback: Weekend Recap In Pictures (and some words) | veggiedancer

  14. Pingback: What I Wish I Ate Wednesday - Posts from September 18 | Healthy Way To Cook

  15. Pingback: Healthy Way To Cook – What I Wish I Ate Wednesday – Posts from September 18

    • Good! So far no one has commented that they a. didn’t know what a cinnamon roll was OR b. hated cinnamon rolls. I’m glad that you didn’t break the trend so far πŸ˜‰ Whichever of the three you choose I would recommend using the flaxseed option because that makes these beauties stick together SO much better than eggs. Go figure the vegan version is easier. Haha.

  16. Pingback: Microwave Cinnamon Rolls — 12 Days of Allergy-Free Christmas Recipes Day One | Eating 4 Balance

  17. Pingback: 10 Mouthwatering Gluten-Free Cinnamon Rolls | Get Fit Bookmark

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