Friday Food Finds #12

Hey everyone! Happy Friday 🙂

Before I start my post for today I just want to thank you all for all of your wonderful comments over the past few weeks and sticking with me even though I fall behind with my blogger duties again and again. I just really appreciate it!

In case you’ve missed some of my last recipes, here’s a quick summary: Vegan Grain-Free Pancakes, Grain-Free Vegan Biscuits, and Peanut Butter and Carob Chunk Cinnamon Rolls. So basically a whole host of grain-free and vegan goodness 😀


When trying to come up with a post idea for today, I realized that I hadn’t done a Friday Food Finds in a super long time! As in… All the way back in April is the last record that I can discover. That is WAY too long in my opinion so I am going to bring it back for today!


You can read all about Friday Food Finds and my past posts here:

Friday Food Finds #10

Friday Food Finds #11

Now for the recipes:

Pumpkin Spice Coffee Creamer from Lisa Lately

Vegan and gluten-free, this is the perfect alternative to the sugar and chemical-laden creamers that you find in the store. And who doesn’t love pumpkin spice?


Lowcountry Shrimp Boil from Better with Veggies

I personally have never had a lowcountry boil but after seeing them pop up occasionally on various food blogs I know that I need to try my hand at one. This shrimp boil from Better with Veggies just looks delicious!


Peekaboo Pumpkin Pound Cake from She Knows

There are almost no words for how cute this recipe is. No, it’s not gluten-free, vegan or anything, however it’s just a dang good idea. I’m sure that it would probably work with most pound cake recipes. Just find one that is suitable for your diet and follow the steps from there!


Grain-Free Waffles from Food Renegade

You all know that I’m always on the hunt for grain-free waffle and pancake recipes. I love the ingredient list on this recipe in particular from Food Renegade because it doesn’t require cups upon cups of almond flour. Plus the blogger said the waffles were fluffy! Buzzword for sure.


Mini Cookie Dough Ice Cream Cones from In Katrina’s Kitchen

Again, not allergy-free in the slightest. I just can’t pass up sharing a cookie dough recipe though. Especially one that comes in ice cream cones. *Swoon*

fff-Cookie Dough Ice Cream Cone CollageWM

Egg-Stuffed Tomato from Copy Cake Cook

This seems like a great alternative to the ever popular Pinterest recipe that bakes an egg inside an avocado. Whether you are tired of avocados or just plain don’t like them this recipe sounds super easy!


Homemade Caramel Apple Pops from Lily Shop

These just scream Fall/Winter to me. I always got at least one caramel apple sucker in my Halloween bag while trick-or-treating during the fall, and at every home basketball game during the winter when I was younger I would snag one of these from the concession stand.


Thanks for joining me for another edition of Friday Food Finds! I hope you saw a few recipes that caught your attention. Maybe all of them? 😉 I know that the coffee creamer and waffles are at the top of my to-make list for sure!

I hope you all have a wonderful Friday and weekend. I’m off now to bed and then up early for more Accounting homework. I also have an awards program tomorrow for my Business College to attend so I will be super busy and might not have a lot of time for comments. Plus I now have a quiz, test and a nice big assignment all due Monday so we’ll have to see how much time I have for blog reading over the weekend as well.

Either way, I’ll catch you next week either on Monday or Wednesday 🙂


What are your Friday Food Finds?

Have you come across any great recipes recently?

What are your plans for Friday/the weekend?

46 thoughts on “Friday Food Finds #12

    • Haha. They do kind of look like a picture of mine. I wish they were my idea because they sound so good!

      I hope you got a lot of studying done this weekend… as you can tell from my most recent post I did not. 😦

  1. I’m so excited to start baking with pumpkin again! This weekend though, some friends and I are going apple picking! Some apple recipes are in my future 🙂

    Hope you have a great weekend too ❤

    • If you pay for the travelling expenses, you bet 😉 Although I’m not sure you really need me with that boyfriend of yours making fancy salmon dinners, and your own personal baker down the street. Lol.

      I’ve never seen a peekaboo cake before…. Have you ever made one yourself? I’m wondering if it’s one of those recipes that are failures half the time.

  2. Those grain-free waffles look tasty; I wonder if they would turn out well without the eggs, using ground flaxseed and water instead…Oh, and I just made your Peanut Butter and Carob Chunk Cinnamon Rolls, and they were SO incredibly delicious!! I did make a few changes: I used chocolate chips instead of the carob chips, added a teaspoon of cinnamon to the filling, and made 11 rolls instead of nine. But otherwise I followed the recipe closely, and I commend you for making such a fantastic recipe. Not only were they gooey, soft, and delicious, but they are also gluten-free and vegan–what could be better?:) I love the use of coconut flour; it gave them a wonderful flavor. I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

    • Grain-free recipes are so tricky to make egg-free so I really have no idea! After being moderately successful with those grain-free, vegan pancakes I’m tempted to try out a waffle recipe as well. But I’m sure that those will take a few trials to perfect. Haha.

      And thanks again for both making the cinnamon rolls AND sharing them on your blog 🙂 11 sounds way better than 9. Haha.

  3. Eggs baked inside anything is awesome in my book, and that secret pumpkin cake is adorable! the waffles totally looked like one of your recipes for a moment but I’m glad you shared them because they look delicious 🙂

  4. Sorry it’s so busy for you! Sounds a bit mental! Hope it all goes ok and good luck for be quiz and test!
    I know this wasn’t the point but the photo of the shrimp and the corn on the cob has me majorly craving cob now haha! I love the look of the tomatoes and egg as well. Yum!

  5. So many great recipes of yours that I missed. 😦 I’ll have to catch up!!! I’m the one falling behind on blog duties not you haha.
    You’ve found some absolutely mouth watering recipes! I love the idea to bake eggs in tomatoes and that pumpkin loaf is too cute!!
    I hear you on the busy school schedule… My entire weekend was pretty much devoted to studying too. Oh the joys of being a student 😉

  6. So many great recipes of yours that I’ve missed. 😦 I need to catch up!! I’m the one falling behind on blogging duties not you haha.
    You’ve found some awesome recipes!! I love the idea to bake tomatoes in eggs, and that pumpkin loaf is just too cute!
    I here you on the studying schedule… my weekend was pretty much spent with my nose in the books too. Oh the joys of being a student 😉

    • I guess we are both falling behind! I just need a good solid 24 devoted solely to blogging so that I can catch up… Which will unfortunately never happen I don’t think. Haha.

      This coming weekend is going to be full of studying again for me too. 😦

  7. Yum these recipes look great. Hope you do many more posts in this series. 😀 Seems like you’ve still been pretty busy in the blogosphere with all the recipes you’ve posted. I just started taking accounting this year and am a bit terrified. 😛 Anyways, hope you had fun at the award program!

    • Thanks! The awards program was I guess pretty fun as far as business dress and sitting in uncomfortable chairs can be. Well, really I’m just so glad and appreciative to be a part of it all.

      Thinking about you and Accounting 🙂

  8. Pingback: Coming Soon to a Blog Near You | Eating 4 Balance

  9. Pingback: Friday Food Finds #14- Buried Alive | Eating 4 Balance

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