What I Ate/Watched Wednesday

I’m back from Fall Break!

First, I want to thank all of the wonderful people who commented on last week’s WIAW in Stratford, Canada. That post is officially most commented page to date. And that’s all because of you!!

Now, as you may remember, I was pretty excited to go home this weekend because my Fall Break lasted a total of four, long blissful days.

To recap, I spent a majority of that time lounging around and relaxing, but I also did some productive things. On Friday night I went to my old high school’s Homecoming football game. We ended up losing, but I mostly went to catch up with my friends anyways!

Over the weekend my family also rented The Avengers from Redbox. What did you think of the movie? Honestly, I was kind of surprised at how long and boring it was. There were definitely some cool parts, but overall I was left feeling underwhelmed, especially when some people were proclaiming it to be “The Best Movie of the Year!”

During my brother’s homecoming dance my mom and I watched The Five-Year Engagement. Overall better than The Avengers, but not much of a comparison because they are two completely different genres. It was pretty funny, but the middle dragged and was a tad depressing.


One movie I can’t wait to see though is Pitch Perfect. I watched “Fat Amy” on Ellen DeGeneres the other day and she was so HILARIOUS!

*I apologize for the language. Just. Too. Funny. To. Pass. Up.

Let’s get to the real reason why you all are reading, shall we?

It’s Wednesday, which means it’s time for another WIAW!

Thanks Peas and Crayons.


Another banana protein bread made in the microwave.

Made with the last of my brown rice protein powder…

Thankfully I got some more in the mail today though!

Love you amazon and your amazing 2-day shipping!!

Unfortunately, the boxes are not that easy to open.

Stupid tape.


A salad of cucumber slices, lettuce and red grapes.

And blueberry banana bread cake made with my brand new protein powder!

Basically, you just make my microwave banana bread and push some blueberries into the top before cooking. When done, you have a sweet, berry syrup on top and moist bread underneath!


Carrots. Deformed and lovely as ever.


A humongous plate of four grilled chicken pieces and steamed zucchini and yellow squash. (Unpictured plates of lettuce, grapes and shredded carrots).


Quinoa porridge.

Remember how I told you in this post that I would explain how to make it? Well, I forgot. But I am going to explain the directions now:

How to Make Quinoa Porridge (Breakfast Cereal)

Step 1: Place uncooked quinoa flakes in large bowl (I use about 1/4-1/3 cup).

Step 2: Fill the bowl with double the water (compared to flakes).

Step 3: Microwave quinoa flakes for 2-3 minutes until thick.

Step 4: Add more water as necessary and microwave until desired consistency.

Step 5: Pour a packet of stevia over top. Before mixing, drizzle a little water over the granules of sweetener to prevent clumping.


I also had a lot of pumpkin protein concoctions.

Including a mash-up of pumpkin puree, protein powder and frozen blueberries.


So, continuing with all of my healthy snacks for the day, I also have a sneak peak of a recipe that I will be posting soon:

A much better version of Gluten-Free Vegan Banana Bread!


What did you do this weekend?

Have you seen The Avengers, The Five-Year Engagement or Pitch Perfect?

Have you watched OSU’s viral half-time video yet? Proud to say that I watched this video before it went viral and its views were still in the thousands!!

45 thoughts on “What I Ate/Watched Wednesday

  1. Love the microwave breads! They are so easy to make and soooo tasty! That really sucks about the Avengers, I have been wanting to watch it, but now I’m not so sure. I’m a big fan of Marvel comics though, think it would be to a comic fan?

    Can’t wait to see the new banana bread recipe, have a great week!

    • That’s a tough question. Haha. I thought that it was really neat to see all of the Marvel Comic book characters together in one movie, and I’d watch it again just to see the Hulk. He was my absolute favorite out of the cast. It was just really hard for them to develop much back-stories for the characters because there were so many of them. Thor, Captain American and Iron Man were definitely better in their individual movies. If you watch it, let me know what you think!

      I hope you have a great week too!

  2. Hadn’t seen the video, but love it! I have seen the Avengers and I admite I do love it – but I’m a total sucker for superhero movies haha. I agree with you about the 5 year engagement, I liked it, but it totally wasnt as funny as I thought it would be. Also, I do want to see Pitch Perfect – its totally my kind of movie haha. Love the microwave breads – I am totally going to try one of these. And I cannot wait for the new recipe!! Happy Wednesday xx

    • That’s funny, because I LOVE superhero movies. I could watch Thor, Captain America, Iron Man, The Green Lantern, X-Men, Superman, Batman, Spiderman… All Day! I would watch The Avengers again, but it just wasn’t my favorite.

      Pitch Perfect looks awesome. Let me know if you watch it; I’m going I get to see it this weekend *fingers crossed*

    • I have gotten mine from Meijer, Kroger’s, a local health food store, a local “flour” store, and you can also buy them on the internet. They are a great replacement for Cream of Wheat and oatmeal since I can have neither. Some people say that they don’t like them plain, but I think they have an awesome taste.

    • Haha. Snap a pic and link back to me if you get one 🙂

      We could have an ongoing “ugly deformed carrot” expose!! 😀

    • Yay! Another amazon-lover!! And you definitely need to try the protein bread. It’s a great way to get in your protein with only about 200 calories and it tastes like dessert! 🙂

  3. we rented the 5-yr engagement last week, and it was awful! i remembered not caring to see it when i first saw previews. i must have forgotten. it definitely dragged all over for me. cute beginning + ending. but i fell asleep. also… saw bridesmaids in the theater and was disappointed in that.

    your microwave banana bread looks amazing!!! i didn’t realize it would turn that much into bread/cake just with microwaving. definitely need to try that.

    • We rented Bridesmaids when it first came out. During the opening scene I turned to my mom and said, “See. This is why I didn’t want to watch it.” I was walking in and out of the room throughout the entire thing. That’s how I know it wasn’t the greatest of movies. Lol. I did the same thing with Avengers.

      Yep. With the brown rice protein powder it actually tastes like bread! Just be careful not to use too little or it will be mushy, or use to much and it will be hard. Haha. It’s all about the balance! 🙂

  4. I agree with you on your review for the 5 yr engagement.

    All of your meals look delicious. Especially your chicken dinner!

    • It’s probably something with their baby carrot cutting machines. I was so surprised to learn that baby carrots weren’t actually grown, but cut from bigger carrots! Haha 🙂

  5. Pingback: Gluten-Free Vegan Banana Bread | Eating 4 Balance

  6. Pingback: Things I’ll Never Know I’ll Never Know (And Another FFF!) | Eating 4 Balance

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