Pinterest Palooza Link-Up Parties

Howdy there. I’m in a super uppity mood today because I only have one more exam left and I’m scotch-free (is that the correct term? scotch? Hold on a second while I look it up…).

Oh, this is embarrassing. I guess it’s actually “scott-free”… Well, for your information, I am also free of scotch as well as free of all other illegal substances… 😉

Now that we have that out of the way, back to my regular blathering. As I sit here writing this it is Thursday afternoon and I am supposed to be studying for an MIS exam and packing. Both will get done, I promise, but I’m taking a wee little break.

Today I am participating in two fun link parties: Jessie Bear’s Together Tuesdays and The Lean Green Bean’s Pin It Party.

It is going to be one fantastic Pinterest Palooza! (The link in my description is for the post, and if you click on the picture that will take you to the pin!).

To start with, the Pin It Party where I feature 5 of my posts in a pinnable fashion:


First is a recipe that I still have fond memories about. It comes all the way from October and is high fiber, gluten-free, vegan, high protein, sugar free, low sodium, corn-free. I give to you my Microwave Sandwich Bread.

2012-10-23 21.11.18

The second recipe that I have to share is also from last year where I was still eating human food (sort of 😉 ). You can also see from this post with my obsession of all things having to do with the microwave! How to Cook Acorn Squash in the Microwave.

2012-10-16 19.56.23

Then with the start of the new year I began my all-soup ways and shared this single-serving Kabocha Squash and Pea Soup recipe that still is my go-to most days of the week.


You’ll bet your bottoms though that didn’t stop me from baking up a storm. My fourth pin from Eating 4 Balance is for one of the most popular posts on my blog, including Coconut Flour Banana Bread and Three Ingredient Nut Butter Cookies.


For my last pin I want to include a non-food post that I wrote a few weeks ago on the importance of sleep. In it I shared my Top Five Tips for getting a better night’s rest and a lot of people in the comments confessed to not getting enough ZZZ’s.


Moving on to Jessie’s link-up, I am going to share 5 recipes that I have found around the blog world and about melted in their delicious-looking wake. This one is going to be short, because SERIOUSLY, I have to get studying for that exam tomorrow morning. Did I mention that it was at 8:30 AM?


Pumpkin Poppers, because pumpkin never goes out of style season here in blogland.


Cookie Dough Greek Yogurt. As if I already didn’t miss Greek yogurt and peanut butter enough as it is…


Coconut Flour Dark Chocolate Brownies. Holy cow.


Cinnamon Egg White Chicken Mugcakes. Seriously creative and clean eating-approved to boot!


Cilantro Shrimp and Avocado Salad. Because you need something healthy and fresh amongst all of those (albeit healthy) desserts.



Sadly you may have noticed that my posts this week have been lacking two things: recipes and Meghan’s Week in Review. Both will be coming this Monday in one heck of  a marvelous post, don’t you worry!

Speaking of worry, I think perhaps I’m starting to get those end-of-semester jitters. Not about the exams, but about the packing! Gosh is there so much to do. Aside from the actual packing portion, I have to vaccuum, clean my shelves and desk, de-loft my bed (that should be fun), and go through a 15 minute check out where I’m either approved, or I have to pay some fine if I something is missing. Yikes. Better get on that. Talk to you all later!


What link-up parties have you participated in this week? 

Have you always said scott-free or were you awesome like me and made up your own twist? 😉

Any tips on de-lofting a bunk bed?

What is your favorite pin (recipe or not) that you’ve pinned recently?

23 thoughts on “Pinterest Palooza Link-Up Parties

  1. Ohhh my word those pumpkin poppers, YUM. Thanks for linking up! & good luck on your exam, I bet you’ll do fantastic. And I totally get SO stressed about packing, but you just have to remember that in the end it all works out. I have to chant that to myself every time I move! haha

  2. Phew! Thank heavens I’m currently eating breakfast right or I’d most likely (like 90%) be raiding my kitchen for every ingredient for every recipe! Ha Ha.

    • The same thought crosses my mind whenever I’m reading a food blog near the kitchen and I spot something delicious (which is always 🙂 ). It takes a lot of restraint not to whip out the baking supplies and turn on the oven right then and there.

    • I agree about the chicken mug– sometimes the best things though start off sounding weird!

      Thank goodness someone else can relate to misunderstand the phrase “scott-free”…

      • I actually looked it up after leaving that comment haha and there were about a thousand different thoughts on where it came from. I don’t know if I believe any of them! Maybe it’s just one of those colloquialisms…

  3. The cookie dough greek yogurt is something I happen to do already actually, ingredients-wise anyways! I think nut butter and greek yogurt is an amazing combo, but I don’t like mixing it thoroughly. I like saving my dollop of nut butter for the very end :P!

  4. Oh my gosh, you’re almost done….I’m so excited for you. In fact, as I type this comment, you are taking (and acing…I feel it) your final exam, and then it is Free At Last, Thank God Almighty1 Free At Last! So do you go back home for any length of time before the internship starts?
    Good luck on spring cleaning your dorm. I will be spring cleaning (or really just regular cleaning) my house in solidarity today (or maybe because I’m hosting a baby shower here tomorrow).
    The Hubby’s last test is next Saturday and then he is off until August, and I’m almost as excited as he is. 🙂 🙂

    • Officially done!!! Free at last 🙂 Yes, I have two weeks until I leave for my internship.

      The cleaning of my dorm wasn’t too bad, but we had to de-loft my bed which was incredibly hard and stressful. I’m surprised someone hasn’t gotten seriously injured in the past. Now I just have to unpack everything… Ugh. 😦

      I’m excited for you with your husband off until August! That will be so nice for the two of you 🙂

  5. Thanks for sharing my Pumpkin Poppers, they are yummy grain-free donut holes. And the post you linked for the brownies from Ditch the Wheat is a recipe she converted from my e-book called Baking with Coconut Flour. Carol has such lovely photographs! 😀

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