(Just Own the Night Like the) 4th of July Week in Review – (‘Cause Baby You’re a) Firework WIAW

As I mentioned on Friday, I had a big internship presentation to give so I wasn’t able to finish my blog post. So, I am going to post it today as my WIAW and Week in Review!


Don’t forget about the giveaway that I posted on Monday. It ends this Thursday night so you don’t want to miss out.


I left off last with my recap of the week leading up to my long 4th of July weekend.

Friday morning I literally rolled out of bed and crawled into the car. My mom drove me to the hospital for my gastric emptying study where I had to eat oatmeal and then lay under an x-ray machine for 1 1/2 hours while they measured the time it took for me to digest my food (more soon!). All that I will say now is that there is a reason that I haven’t eaten oatmeal in a year. My stomach took almost a week to recover from eating grains.

Thankfully with some rest during the day I was feeling good enough to socialize later. On Friday night I drove over to my best friend’s house to meet up with about ten others and head over to a nearby lake to watch some fireworks!



Usually I’m not a fan of fireworks because they are so loud, but these were surprisingly mellow in volume. But not mellow in looks for sure. They were beautiful and lasted quite a long time. I’m really glad that I went because they were certainly worth the trip.



The next day I had an eye doctor’s appointment in the morning. Thankfully my prescription has stayed the same so I just had to get some new contacts and that was it.


Afterwards I met up with my friends again to just hang out and talk about our summers and what we’ve been up to.

Later on I went on a short 15 minute walk with my mom down the driveway to pick up the mail and newspaper. And we brought Lilly!


I know that sounds a little crazy that it took us that long to walk to the mailbox because I’m sure a lot of you have your mailboxes right outside your front door. However, I can assure you that while slow, 15 minutes over the span of about 1/2 a mile while walking a curious dog (that stops every 30 seconds to sniff at the grass) is pretty normal.


Sunday morning my mom and dad left the house early to drop my brother off at our church because he was leaving for a missions trip.

When they got back I made them some…

You guessed it! Pancakes 🙂


Unlike my pan perfect pancakes and unbelievably grain-free berry pancakes, these suckers took a lot longer to cook and were much harder to flip. This did not deter my parents though because they still tasted wonderful!

Dairy and Grain-Free Cinnamon Apple Pancakes

Makes two servings, approximately 4 small-medium pancakes each

Grain/Gluten/Wheat-Free, Dairy-Free, Nut-Free Option, GAPS/Paleo/SCD-Friendly, No Added Sugar



  • 2 apples
  • 3 eggs
  • 1 teaspoon each of vinegar and vanilla
  • 1/2 cup almond flour (or sun-flour)
  • 1/4 cup coconut flour
  • 1 teaspoon each of baking soda and cinnamon
  • dash of sea salt


  1. Preheat your griddle to 350 degrees or your pan to medium heat. Spray or oil to prevent sticking.
  2. Peel both of the apples. Take one of the apples and put it in your food processor and puree with a little water until it reaches applesauce consistency.
  3. Add the eggs, vinegar and vanilla and blend until smooth.
  4. Measure in the remaining ingredients and mix again until fully combined.
  5. Scoop out the batter into a medium sized bowl. Put the second apple in the food processor and blend for a few seconds and/or grate the apple until finely shredded. Add the apple pieces to the pancake mix.
  6. Using a 1/4 cup pour out the pancake batter and if necessary spread out with the back of a spoon.
  7. Cook on each side for 5-10 minutes (these need to be cooked a lot longer than usual pancakes because they are grain-free and much more delicate with the applesauce).


Sunday afternoon before I left to head back to my apartment I went to our church to help my mom set up for the summer reading program that she directs every year. As I said previously, I’m really missing getting to actually help with the program itself in getting the snacks ready and running errands for the teachers. I still got to set up all of the books though, and while it is probably my least favorite part, it still made me feel good that I got to help a little.


Look at some of the books that I found! These remind me of one of my WIAW posts of children’s books that feature food!


After I was done setting up the books (which took me about an hour! They were so unorganized…) I went home, packed up my things, and hit the road again.


I snacked on a few bananas on the way back. #Publicbanana at its finest. 😉


This week the weather has been pretty crazy. There have been lots of thunderstorm warnings and a lot of water!

Thankfully I haven’t seen much damage around these parts, but back home our neighbors lost electricity due to the storms and a friend from high school had a huge tree fall on his car while him and his family were on vacation!

My actual week was pretty boring until the next weekend hit. And that was only made exciting by the fact that I got to buy things for my blogiversary giveaway (Mention #2 😉 ). Make sure that you leave a separate comment for each entry!




Questions for you:

Did you enjoy any fireworks on the 4th?

Are you tired of pancake recipes yet? Too bad. Ha. 😉

Do you wear glasses or contacts?

What food have you been enjoying lately?

46 thoughts on “(Just Own the Night Like the) 4th of July Week in Review – (‘Cause Baby You’re a) Firework WIAW

    • I bet wheat flour would work. In fact, because it contains gluten it probably will help hold the pancakes together even more. Usually you can sub out almond flour and wheat flour in 1:1 ratio but you may have to mess with the amount a bit. Just remember that these have to cook an incredibly long time (at least in my test), and that they can be a beast to flip… But maybe you won’t have that problem with the added gluten! 🙂 Let me know how it goes with the substitution!

  1. Ahh lying under an xray machine for so long and feeling uncomfortable with the oatmeal must have sucked 😦 But hopefully it’ll give an insight into things!
    Your picking up mail story did make me chuckle. I have visions of you walking down a huge driveway from your mansion house to the bottom of your front garden to fetch the mail haha. 😉
    Those pancakes look SO good. I haven’t had pancakes in forever. I used to make them quite regularly but I guess I got out of the habit. Must be recitifed!!

    • Like I said in my post, the sleep helped a little bit. I could not have imagined being fully awake for the full 1 1/2 hours!

      Haha. Our house is no where near a mansion… And those nice trees that you see on the side are ours neighbors. Lol. The house and woods are ours though 🙂

      Yes. I think you should have breakfast for dinner one day seeing as how you’ve already got a standard breakfast with your oatmeal 😉

  2. Sounds like you had a fun 4th and a fun visit home, Madison! Those pancakes look and sound delicious. I’m going to need to give them a try. Your giveaway sounds like fun! All the things look so good especially the sunflower/pumpkin seed granola. And edamame…I Love edamame. Happy WIAW!

  3. Don’t worry, I will NEVER be tired of pancake recipes 😉 Especially ones like those – yum!
    That doctor visit sounds like no fun, but hopefully it will help them figure something out! I like the eye doctor even less than the regular doctor… last time I went, I completely passed out when they dilated my eyes. I have had a fear of going back every since!
    Those firework pictures are beautiful! I can never get good shots of them. They always turn out blurry!

    • Good to know as I don’t plan on stopping my pancake-making ways anytime soon! 🙂

      That sounds awful about going to the eye doctors! I guess that I’m lucky that most of the time I don’t mind too much/actually enjoy Dr. visits. I wouldn’t want to go back either if I were you.

      I’ve never been able to get good shots of the fireworks either! This year was the best yet and ramping up the contrast on PicMonkey helped in making them a little more clear and vibrant.

  4. We were in the UK so no fireworks for us. I actually haven’t had pancakes in the longest time! Luckily I have decent eye sight but do have reading glasses that I should use when I remember 🙂

  5. Sorry to hear about your stomach and the oatmeal, not good at all. Glad to hear it has settled now though.
    I have to say you did a fab job taking such great pictures of the fireworks, I always find them so tricky to photograph! They’re too fast, I always tend to get just a few golden slithers of light at the end 😦
    These pancakes are definitely going on my must-try list, they look and sound gorgeous!

    • Fireworks are incredibly hard to get shots of! These are just a small percentage of the ones that I took (most didn’t turn out so well). And picmonkey really helped with sharpening them up!

      Thanks for the comment on the pancakes. Those were not easy suckers to flip. Lol.

  6. Fireworks over water are the best 🙂 I think the reflection makes them seem so much prettier. I’m sorry for the stomach issues with the grains, and I sure hope the doctors figured out what’s going on! Have I told you how sweet I think it is that you make your family so much awesome food, especially when you can’t eat a lot of it? Way to be selfless with that one, girl. Excellent reminder for myself when I don’t want to be nice 😛

  7. Never tired of pancake pictures, ha!

    I’m sorry to hear that you haven’t been feeling the best lately 😦 It can be really frustrating. It sounds like you have still been super productive and positive though, so that’s awesome!

    • Recently I’ve heard some great things about lasik surgery. It’s just that my aunt and uncle both had it done and their eyes have almost returned back to normal now as far as eyesight goes and both have to where glasses again. That would just stink! Lol.

  8. I’m glad you got to go home and spend some time with family the weekend of the fourth. It also sounds like you may have some answers now (!!), which is incredible. I’m rooting for you.
    I watched fireworks on the fourth. I love them and can’t get enough, regardless of the noise.
    I also really like the combination of apples and cinnamon, and those pancakes look almost crispy on the outside. I hope they are because I find a crispy outside incredible appealing.
    P.S. You can rock a #publicbanana any day of the week. It makes me proud.

  9. I’ve been wearing glasses for the past 25+ years (with the exception of two or three years in between). What a pain!
    We went and watched the city fireworks and I bought a few small things for my eldest son (who is six). My husband hates fireworks, so they were quiet ones! 🙂

  10. I haven’t had pancakes in ages. Guess I need to make some this weekend.
    I wear contacts whenever I leave the house, and my glasses at home.

    • I’ve been switching to glasses at night to give my eyes a rest. I think the constant computer/reading was making them red. I dislike wearing glasses but I definitely think they are better for my eyes.

  11. It’s so nice ot hear that you got to spend some quality time with the family! I did not enjoy any fireworks 😦 I’m glad you did that for me, though! You can never be tired of pancake recipes… or oat recipes! I wear glasses- contacts dry my eyes out too much, unfortunately! I have been enjoying large, VERY large salads recently! It’s so nice to have cool meals in this hot weather. Happy Saturday, love!!

  12. I’m a contacts girl all the way, I tore my last pair on accident this week and I’ve been having a really hard time wearing my glasses while I wait for new ones 🙂

    Never will I ever get tired of your pancake pictures, someday when I have someone to cook for I will make them all (because I love pancakes, but not leftover and no one else in my house will eat them!)

    • I hate when I tear my contacts! Especially if they were a last pair. Eep. That’s not good. I hope you got some new ones!

      I’ll have to make a single-sized recipe for pancakes someday for you. I do have one gluten-free one so far that’s enough just for one. It’s pretty simple 🙂

  13. Pingback: Grain-Free, Vegan Carob Chip Cookie Bars | Eating 4 Balance

  14. Pingback: Fall Flavors Challenge (Chopped Kitchen Challenge and WIAW) | Eating 4 Balance

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