Paleo French Toast Sticks (WIAW)

It’s only 8:00pm and I already feel like taking a nice large nap. Preferably one that lasts throughout the night for eight blissful hours. Yes. That sounds good right now.

Paleo French Toast Sticks (Grain-Free, Dairy-Free, Nut-Free)

Before going to bed though I have a nice little list that I want to accomplish: Astronomy, send a few e-mails, hang up my laundry, start on a PowerPoint for class, and finish this blog post of course. I’ll probably get about half done. That’s alright with me though. Better than nothing.

Slowly but surely I am catching up on comments on my past posts, and trying to read the new posts in my Bloglovin. So if you receive a notification from months ago that will be why!

Paleo French Toast Sticks (Grain-Free, Dairy-Free, Nut-Free)

I’m also supposed to be catching up on all of my backlog of recipe waiting to be edited and shared. But then I make a new recipe that I get even more excited about and end up posting that one instead. *My bad…*

I should also note the reason that I have such a nice little to-do list that has been spanning a few days now. I’ve been reading. For the past two days I have spent basically every free moment reading The Crown of Embers, the sequel to The Girl of Fire and Thorns that I read back in November. Guys… It was so good! The ending was just a tad rushed, but even that is just a matter of opinion because the story line was basically stunning and now I want to be a queen with magical powers even more…

The Crown of Embers by Rae Carson

Ha. Yes. My impossible but ever so present daydreams of magical powers has not waned in the slightest since I first began my Harry Potter addiction (did I mention that I’m listening to part 3 of The Goblet of Fire right now on audiobook? I didn’t? How silly of me…). Really though, The Girl of Fire and Thorns is a great series, made only greater by the fact that I am going to be getting the third book this weekend.

Hmm… My mom is also under the impression that she is getting the third book this weekend as well too. I call first dibs. Obviously I win because I have documented proof đŸ˜‰

Something else that I would totally call first dibs on? These french toast sticks. Because no one likes cold french toast. Although it would still be pretty darn delicious if you ask me.

Paleo French Toast Sticks

Wheat/Gluten/Grain-Free, Vegetarian, Dairy-Free, Nut-Free, Paleo/GAPS-Friendly, No Sugar Added

12 French Toast Sticks – 1 or 2 servings

Paleo French Toast Sticks (Grain-Free, Dairy-Free, Nut-Free)


  • 1 batch of my microwave paleo bread (shared below)
  • 2 eggs
  • 1/4 cup coconut milk (or any other kind of milk)
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla extract (optional)
  • 1/2 tsp cinnamon (optional)
  • dash of salt (optional)


  1. Preheat a griddle to 350 degrees or a skillet to medium-high heat (whatever temperature you use to make pancakes).
  2. Take the microwave paleo bread and divide each of the four pieces into three so that you have 12 bread sticks in total.
  3. Next in a shallow bowl mix together the eggs, coconut milk, vanilla, cinnamon and salt.
  4. Oil/spray the griddle to prevent sticking.
  5. Then dip each stick into the egg mixture and place on the griddle. Repeat with the remaining sticks.
  6. Cook for 2-3 minutes on each side or until the egg is crisp and thoroughly cooked. Flip and cook for an additional 2 minutes.
  7. Remove and serve with whatever additions you would like! I divided the french toast sticks to two plates and topped them with a sliced banana and warmed honey.

Paleo French Toast Sticks (Grain-Free, Dairy-Free, Nut-Free)

Microwave Coconut Flour Paleo Bread 

Wheat/Gluten/Grain-Free, Vegetarian, Dairy-Free, Nut-Free, Paleo/GAPS-Friendly, No Sugar Added

Makes 4 slices of bread – 2 servings

Microwave Paleo Coconut Flour Bread


  • 1/4 cup coconut flour
  • 3/4 tsp baking soda
  • dash of salt
  • 3 eggs
  • 3 tbsp water
  • 1 tbsp coconut oil, melted


  1. Oil/Spray a glass loaf pan about 9×5 in size.
  2. Combine the dry ingredients first then add the wet and mix well.
  3. Pour the mixture into the loaf pan and spread smooth.
  4. Cook in the microwave for approximately 6 minutes (check after 4 minutes to test). The bread is done when the center is no longer wet and springs back at the touch. Adjust as needed.
  5. Let cool. Then take the bread and slice it carefully horizontally so that you have two thin, loaf-size pieces of bread. Next cut each piece in two. This will give you four sandwich-sized piece slices for sandwiches. You can eat it as is, toast in the the toaster or in a pan, make a sandwich out of it, or make the french toast recipe above!

Paleo French Toast Sticks (Grain-Free, Dairy-Free, Nut-Free)

So now it’s 9:00pm and I suppose I should get a start on that list now… Blog post… Check!

And as always is the case for Wednesdays, I’m linking up with Jenn at Peas and Crayons for What I Ate Wednesday. Make sure to head over to the WIAW party to see all of the other bloggers who shared their eats for the day.


Questions for you:

Do you ever “bake” in the microwave?

How do you feel about cooking foods in the microwave?

If you were eating french toast right now, what would you top it with?

What books have you read lately?

Have you ever met any famous authors?

54 thoughts on “Paleo French Toast Sticks (WIAW)

    • I bet you could, but I don’t know if it would rise as much or for how long you would need to bake it… Hmm. I almost always bake in the oven and rarely do microwave “baking” anymore. I kind of wish I had tried it out both ways now. Haha.

      Maybe at 350/375 degrees for 20 or so minutes? Just check it often and from the looks on your site you’re an expert on baking already so I’m sure you’re good at experimenting! đŸ˜‰

      Let me know if you try the bread in the oven and how it turns out!

      • I will!! I’ll need to do a sample loaf before I make it for my crew – because I’m sure I’ll need at least 4 loaves? (Thinking on how to make this work with LESS work!) đŸ™‚ It sounds SO good (for me to smell at least!) đŸ™‚ Thanks!

      • Ya, one recipe is enough for 6 sticks per person. But I think my parents could have easily eaten 1 whole recipe each. It’s about 500 or 600 calories for the whole recipe if that helps at all. geez… you’re going to need a lot of eggs đŸ˜‰

        A sample loaf is a brilliant idea! You could even cut the recipe down to 1/3 just to test out in the oven. Bread: 1 egg, 1 tbsp + 1 tsp coconut flour, 1/4 tsp baking soda, 1 tbsp water, 1 tsp coconut oil… And then just maybe half the egg mixture. I made an English muffin version with the smaller part… Actually I was planning on sharing that one too. Oh well, next time!

      • It’s quite ok – we go through about 15+ dozen eggs a week, so I’m locked and loaded.

        Yay! I’m excited – this will be great! The big kids would easily put away 6 pieces, but the littles maybe 4? We have other things with breakfast – so I think if I make 4 loaves I’d be good, of I could make some 8x8s and then just cut them in half before slicing… (wheels turning!)
        English Muffin! How fun – I’ll look forward to that. Thanks again!

      • Sure! I have been reading your blog ever since you commented and I’m just loving it. I can relate so much to your post about taking the “bite” of cake. đŸ˜€ I can’t eat most of my recipes right now either because of health issues. So I totally get the “smell” comment now too. Haha.

      • That’s so nice to know. I’m so thankful for the internet – it helps us to not feel so isolated and alone. People actually “get” that this can be so serious, and it’s not easy!! (hugs)

  1. I feel GREAT about cooking food in the microwave! Haha. At least if there is a way to make it taste good doing it that way. When I was in Spain, I used to eat baked apples all the time for dessert, well I learned that I can “bake” the apples in the microwave. Seriously, if I could only use my microwave for those apples, it would still be such a worthwhile investment! Love that you’ve figured out how to make bread in the microwave. AND it’s paleo? Amazing.

  2. I never thought I’d say this because every single one of your recipes sound delicious- but this one may just top them all. I mean nothing compares to french toast sticks. Such a childhood classic đŸ™‚

    • I know! There’s a ton of eggs in here. You could probably use egg beaters or egg whites in place of some of them. It’s about 2.5 eggs per person.

      Microwave baking is super fun! I hadn’t done it in forever because I wasn’t the one eating any of the things so I didn’t care how long it took… Lol. But when my parents want something fast Sunday morning this will be my go-to đŸ™‚

  3. My microwave has a real baking option, that’s pretty cool, I think. I tend to use it for small batches, whenever I don’t want to turn on the big oven.
    No pleasure reading for me at the moment, I just can’t find the time. See my last post about my schedule. I’d rather read blogs anyway. đŸ˜‰
    I’ve met a few semi-famous comic book authors back in the days. I was a real comic nerd and used to attend several conventions each year.

    • That sounds incredibly cool! I bet it’s awesome in the summer when it gets super hot and you don’t want to turn on your oven. Does it work with the same temperatures and times as a regular oven?

      I’ve always wanted to attend Comic Con here in the U.S. but for now will just have to settle watching the interviews on Youtube!

    • Our microwave actually just became functional again. It wasn’t working very well so we had just stopped using it… And then the electricity went off and when it came back on everything was fine again. Lol Things definitely taste better baked in the oven most of the time though anyways!

  4. I go back and forth between “cooking” in the microwave… sometimes it can’t be helped, but overall I do my best NOT to take the easy way out đŸ˜‰ The only “famous” author I’ve ever met is Christopher Paolini (author of the Inheritance Cycle – Eragon was the first book)..way back when my inner nerd loved sci-fi/fantasy. Happy WIAW!

  5. What what – paleo AND microwavable?? I need this in my life right now! You. Are. GENIUS! I’m now thinking of toppings… berries and maple syrup and ricotta springs to mind?

  6. I think French toast is one of the only foods I don’t like better when it’s cold — s’gotta be hot. And I have to commend you for coming up with such an amazing recipe using the microwave. I hardly ever use my microwave, and I think that probably has a lot to do with the fact that I grew up without one so I really have no idea how to make the most of it… I pretty much only use it to melt things like butter and chocolate.

    And I’m currently reading the fifth book of the Song of Ice and Fire series, which is a nice improvement to the disappointment I felt after reading Allegiant.

  7. I’ve been reading that Stephen King book 11/22/63 and it is SO SO good. All about time travel and changing the past. I love stuff like that.
    I never really bake……though I have managed to persuade Ben to bake something for me this weekend! He is so much better at baking than me. He tends to properly read instrucitons haha. I’m better at cooking!

  8. Mmmm something about crispy, crunchy, bread makes me a happy girl! If I had french toast I’d either be dunking it in honey, or covering it with almond butter/cinnamon. I started reading this awesome cookbook last night… you may have heard of it đŸ™‚

  9. I’ve never “baked” anything in the microwave, but have seen a few people make microwave french toast so I’m definitely gonna have to try it soon! My momma’s microwave has an oven setting which I think is kinda cool – modern technology!

  10. Such a fun idea! French toast was a staple in my childhood, but I haven’t been able to make a decent breakfast lately. Maybe that’s what I will make this weekend đŸ™‚

  11. I’ve never been a huge french toast fan, but this post is totally changing my mind! I love how they’re not sopping in any type of dressing or anything! They’re plain and oh so tasty!

  12. The only thing I really use the microwave for is for baked potatoes. If I don’t have time, I’ll start them in the microwave before finishing them off in the oven.
    That being said, your French Toast Sticks looks great and remind me of my youth and getting these at fast food restaurants. I can see yours are significantly better though. Nice photos!

  13. We tried it out tonight!! I tripled the recipe and made two loaves, baked them for 25 minutes at 350, and then cooled. It made 18 sticks, and everyone was thrilled! đŸ™‚ Thanks again for the fabulous idea!

  14. Oh my gosh. I am bookmarking this recipe for when I get coconut flour. (I’ve REALLY got to get some — your recipes are overflowing with deliciousness! ;)) One thing I like “baking” in the microwave is my chocolate protein cakes — nom nom nom.

  15. Pingback: What I Made in 2013 | Eating 4 Balance

  16. Pingback: 9 Surprisingly Healthy French Toast Recipes | Paleo Grubs

  17. Pingback: 9 Surprisingly Healthy French Toast Recipes | Get Fit Bookmark

  18. Hello. I was curious on the nutritional value and the taste. Does it tast real eggy? Or does it actually taste like French toast sticks? Thank you!

    • I have to be honest. Because I’m allergic to eggs I was not able to try these, however my family who ate them said they tasted just like french toast. So, if you normally find french toast to be eggy, then you probably wouldn’t like these.

      Just off the top of my head, from reading the ingredients I think these would be about 600-700 calories for the whole recipe. So maybe about 300 per serving, and then additional calories for add-ons like honey or fruit.

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