MIMM- No Procrastinating Here

Thank you all for your super sweet comments on my post last Friday. Don’t worry! I haven’t forgotten to comment on them, I just haven’t had time yet. Patience my friends!

So, this morning I am going to participate in Healthy Diva Eat’s Marvelous in my Monday, which I haven’t done for quite a few weeks (3 to be exact). I’ve really missed them, as they add a little happy dose to an otherwise dreary start to the week.

And without need for other introduction, here is my MIMM post for the first week of February 2013:

Marvelous is…

Kicking butt in MIS. I felt like a speed demon as I typed those IF and Payment formulas into Excel.

The fact that my car started on Friday on the first try, despite me being lazy and not checking the battery during the week.

The right to vote. Before I went home I stopped by the Board of Elections and I voted with an absentee ballot for a local school levy. Here’s hoping for my mom, brother, and high school friends that it passes!

Paleo Recipes. No, I’m not officially “Paleo,” but it is a much more popular following than GAPS, and since they both follow similar principles, typing “Paleo recipes” into Google/Pinterest/Yahoo/Foodgawker delivers much more promising results.

Weekends for making said Paleo recipes. Look out world! WIAW is going to be filled to the brim with delicious real-food eye candy.

My MIS teacher. Do you know what you get when your professor comes to class 10 minutes late and leaves 15 minutes early? That’s right folks— A 25 minute lecture.

Plus add to the fact that this teacher is always sputtering out quotes like a modern day Plato. Everything that comes out of his mouth sounds like pure gold. Take for instance this quote from the other day…

“The certainty of misery is better than the misery of uncertainty.” -Pogo

I have no idea what it has to do with Management Information Systems, but I’ll take it!

Feeling like writing a post ahead of time. Yes, this post was actually written in advanced. Be amazed.


More quotes for Monday that I just saw plastered on the wall outside of my Physics class:

“We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children.” Native American Proverb

“The greater danger for most of us lies not in setting our aim too high and falling short, but in setting our aim too low and achieving our mark.” –Michelangelo

It’s like a fortune cookie word-vomited all over the walls. You can’t escape the fumes of inspiration.


Now tell me:

What is Marvelous about your Monday?

Did you seriously kick butt in anything this past week?

Any inspiring quotes to start off on a good foot?