It’s Never Too Late to Be Green

“I don’t want to run anymore. I’ll tell you everything.”

“I wish you would.”

Great lines. Great Movie. Any idea what they’re from?


So… I procrastinated, and now I have an excel Personal Budget due in my MIS class tomorrow. It’s mostly done except for some reorganization and minor recalculations. However, this results in me probably being even more scattered (and possibly more chatty?) than usual. I’m especially frustrated because my teacher didn’t really give us a desired format, just shouted out some important parts and told us to “create it from scratch.” Crueler words were never spoken.


But alas, at least I have something to smile about. Actually, this is probably my favorite day to post every single week. Does anyone else feel that way about What I Ate Wednesday? No matter what else is going on, I love reading all of the WIAWs and getting to chat with some awesome ladies! Plus, the foodie goodness doesn’t hurt either 😉

I didn’t post any special recipes for last week in celebration of St. Patrick’s Day (I know it’s the cool girl thing to say “St. Patty’s Day” but I’ve never heard it called that before this year, so call me old-fashioned!). There were many great green recipes floating around WIAW world, but since it is still March, I’m not late yet.

I also figured what with Winter being over tomorrow (or today depending on when you read this), what better a time to finally post a recipe for soup? It’s “souper” simple. Baha. And is really rather plain Jane, but I just love the combination of vegetables. It’s probably one of my favorites, second only to a combination with kabocha.

Green, Mean, Fighting Soup Machine

High protein, Allergen-Free, Grain/Gluten/Wheat-Free, Nut/Coconut-Free, Egg-Free, GAPS/Paleo Friendly

1 generous serving



  • 1 cup chicken (or beef), cooked
  • 1 zucchini
  • 1/2 cup sweet peas, frozen or fresh
  • 2 cups homemade chicken (or beef) stock (storebought would work too)
  • Seasonings: sea salt, fresh rosemary


  1. Peel and slice the zucchini. Add all of the ingredients to a small pot and heat on high until boiling. 
  2. Once the soup is boiling, cover and reduce to low to simmer for 20-30 minutes. 
  3. Remove from the heat and let cool for 10-15 minutes. Pour into bowl and serve with sea salt and fresh rosemary sprinkled on top.


Note: This recipe has a good combination of fat from the broth, carbohydrates from the vegetables, and protein from the meat. If you use store bought broth, consider drizzling olive oil or coconut oil onto your soup after it is cooked so that you don’t lose out on all of those nutritious fatty acids! Also, I peel my zucchini because the skin is hard for me to digest. If you don’t have digestive issues, keep the skin on and wish it before slicing.

Shared on: Whole Foods Wednesday, Allergy-Free Wednesday, Gluten Free Wednesdays, Real Food WednesdaysWheat-Free Wednesday

Also, in the spirit of everything green, I want to share a few of the cool “green,” eco-friendly diy projects that I’ve spotted on various websites in the past few weeks:

Ombre-Painted Mason Jars for Storing Things:

Spray Painted Cheese Grater = Earring Holder:

More Mason Jar Love with Homemade Soap Dispensers:

Crocheted T-Shirt Rug:

It’s never too late to be green, even if March 17th is past. We still have another week of WIAW to go! 🙂


Do you know what movie those lines at the beginning are from?

What green food did you concoct to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day?

Have you ever made any eco-friendly projects? Share!


Look soon for an upcoming recipe that I made this past weekend:



52 thoughts on “It’s Never Too Late to Be Green

  1. Are those blueberry muffins? They look so good!
    I didn’t really celebrate St. Patrick’s Day, but I eat lots of green food throughout the year.

    • I am obsessed with mason jars too. They can serve so many purposes. Pinterest is full of cute ideas for what to do with them. I wonder how easy the painting one is though. I see a lot of drips and a major fail possibility in that craft. Haha.

  2. Ahh i can’t wait for that recipe to be posted! Mason jars are my favs….love using them for storage and that grater/earring rack is awesome! Good luck finishing your project girl!

    • I’ve only ever used mason jars for food, but using them for storage is such a great idea. And the earring rack is so cool. I bet you can find a lot of cheap graters at thrift stores to make it a super inexpensive project.

    • Lol. Yes, they are blue. I meant “green” as in “green” for the environment. Haha. But you’re right, they are seriously lacking in the color green too. Haha. And I’m kind of obsessed with pinning mason jar crafts now. So cute!

    • Winter is holding strong here too. We just got a ton of snow and I don’t expect the cold to lift up completely for a few more weeks 😦 Soup will definitely come in handy with the tempermental thermosat in our dorm hall. Lol.

    • Soup is such a good remedy for… Well, for everything, right? Lol. Seriously, everytime someone is under the weather, no matter what for, soup is always recommended 😀 I hope you’re feeling better. Make up some of this soup and the muffins and you’ll be better in no time! Haha.

    • I think I pin more craft than I make, but it’s an addiction and I can’t stop it. Haha.

      And I was just thinking the same thing reading your post. Tsk Tsk. What are we going to do about it? 😉

  3. Oh my I wish I had read this a day earlier. I love excel and presentation is kind of my specialty because I get to make things pretty. Yeah. I’m a huge fan of using colors, great borders and boxes. Sometimes even the tables can really impact the overall presentation too.
    Excel aside, those blueberry muffins look amazing and I love me some blueberries. Can’t wait to see that recipe.
    The only thing green I had on St. Patrick’s Day was a beer. 🙂

    • I love excel too. Sadly this teacher is making that love decline a little bit 😦 But no worries, I’m holding strong! 🙂 Scenario Manager is my favorite part so far. Makes everything so neat and organized.

      I hope you like the muffin recipe. Because I’m so behind in responding, the recipe is actually already up as I type this. Haha.

      And that totally counts as green! Besides, it was your birthday right? Who wouldn’t prefer cake and such over veggies on their b-day?

  4. Looking forward to those posts! And that soup looks fantastic – I’m going to have to remember that for winter. I love chicken soups when you’re sick. And I do not know those movies, I don’t think, but I want to know!

    • I keep on forgetting that you have different seasons than me 🙂 Yes- bookmark this for the winter months. And I love chicken soup when I’m sick too. Such a good remedy.

      And the movie was Sherlock Holmes with Sherlock and Irene Adler at the end. Love that movie. 😀

  5. Love the earring holder! I wish I was creative enough to do those sorts of things, but honestly I am the least creative person known to man. It’s so sad.
    Love the sound of this soup. I practically lived on chicken soup when I was ill a few months ago. It was just so warming and filling. I threw so many different vegetables in as well, perfect way to get better.

    • I would consider myself a creative person sort of, but I am a serious procrastinating crafter. This summer it is my goal to make at least ONE of these things. Lol.

      Vegetable and chicken soup is so great for when you’re ill. Glad you aren’t sick any more though. I guess it worked! 🙂

  6. Pingback: Friday Confessions: Fast and Furious Edition | Eating 4 Balance

  7. Pingback: Animal Cracker in my Soup (WIAW and WIR) | Eating 4 Balance

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