12 Days of Allergy-Free Christmas Recipes— Everything you Need to Know, and How to Sign Up

I have just been amazed at the response I’ve received on my idea that I shared on Friday. You all are truly wonderful and I’m so lucky to have you as both fellow bloggers, and friends. I asked for help and you certainly delivered.

I have no doubt in my mind now that we will be able to do this 12 Days of Allergy-Free Christmas Recipes with great success. In this post today I am going to give you all of the fine details and hopefully better explain what the round-up is all about, and more importantly- how you can participate.

Don’t be worried by the enormous amount of text that is about to come. I have already written up a draft of my contribution post, and it took me less than an hour (which if you know me, is quite quick 😉 ). Most of the information below is just me trying to be a thorough as I can so there is no confusion. Still, if there are any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to ask!

To get started, here is the “button” that I have created for the round-up event:


Feel free to scale down to size (I just wanted provide the largest amount of pixels possible to prevent blurry images).

Now onto all of the details…


What are the who/what/where/when/whys of the 12 Days of Allergy-Free Christmas Recipes?

  • Who: Any blogger that wants to join in, can. If we surpass the 12 bloggers, you can still participate by submitting a recipe link directly to the blogger in charge of a particular theme. In addition you could also still use the round-up button for any Christmas or holiday posts that involve allergy-friendly recipes that you post throughout the season.
  • What: We are gathering up Christmas allergy-free recipes into one large collection. The recipes don’t need to be “free” of everything, just at least one common allergen like wheat, dairy, gluten, peanuts, eggs, etc. One post doesn’t need to be all gluten-free or all peanut-free. Mix it up and provide options for everyone!
  • When: The round-up will be starting this Friday, December 13 as “Day One” and will end the day before Christmas on Tuesday, December 24 as “Day Twelve.”
  • Where: You will post your themed post as you would a regular post on your blog, and I will have a page on my blog dedicated especially for this event, with a link for each day.
  • Why: This round-up is so that at the conclusion of the 12 Days we will have a full list of Christmas recipes that can help those with any dietary needs or restrictions. The holidays are supposed to be about sharing smiles, spending time with family, and getting to make amazing memories. Having to be concerned with finding safe food to eat is often stressful, time-consuming, and not very fun. This collection of recipes will be an invaluable resource to lessen that burden and help people enjoy the holidays!


How to participate in the 12 Days:

1. Leave a comment below with what days you are available to host, and what theme you would like to showcase (if you can give a couple of each that would be great for scheduling purposes). This is open to absolutely any blogger that would like to join up to 12 (but like I said previously, if we go over 12, you can still submit a recipe to the the other co-hosts for their specific themed round-up).

2. I will contact you as soon as possible to let you know what day and theme is yours. I will also update the lists below on this blog post as days and themes are taken so you not which are still available.

3. A few days before it is is your posting day, start to gather your recipes. Make a call out to your readers for links to their favorite allergy-free recipes, and gather some of those from your favorite bloggers. Also, work on the recipe that you are contributing and get all of those delicious photos taken!

4. Write and publish the round-up on your assigned day. No need to send me the link. I will grab it when reading your blog along with everyone else, and I will come back here to add a hyperlink to the round-up home base.


When it comes to making your post, just a few things to remember:

  • Explain what this round-up is for and why you are participating. Maybe you are doing it because you have dietary restrictions and know how hard it can be to find good holiday recipes, or perhaps you are doing it just out of the generosity of your heart!
  • Include the provided round-up button and link back to the home page located on my blog. I will be listing and sharing a link for each host’s themed post so that they are easily accessible all in one place.
  • Share the collection of recipes that you found within your food theme. You can include a link, optional photo, and most conveniently, a quick breakdown of who the recipe would be good for. As an example- Easy Apple Cinnamon Pancakes from Eating 4 Balance (Grain-Free, Paleo).
  • Then include the recipe that you made specifically for the event! If you don’t have time to make a recipe, no worries. You can just repost an old one, making sure to give a breakdown of what food allergies/diet it would be good for.
  • And finally, make sure to remind your readers to check out the other bloggers who will be sharing their round-ups and recipes!


Here is the current list of available days (which I will update as bloggers confirm when they can host):

Click here for an icon that you can include for your specific day. Example of Day 1 below.



Here are the available themes (again, which I will update as they are taken):

***I would like to try and have the 12 days of food themes run in at least some sort of chronological order with breakfast starting first, then followed in some combination of drinks, appetizers, the main meals, side dishes, bread, dessert, leftovers, etc. Here are the 12 themes that I think would be best to include, but feel free to suggest/replace one with your own idea!

  • Breakfast- Pastries and dessert-like items. (Me from Eating 4 Balance)
  • Breakfast- Casseroles, Porridge, Eggs/Quiches, etc. (Jan from Sprouts N Squats)
  • Snacks- What you could snack on throughout the day while cooking up the big Christmas feast! 😀 (Sarah from Slices of Sarah Pie)
  • Drinks- Hot cocoa, juice, smoothies, flavored water, cider, fruit punch, coffee… (Rosie from Facing Your Storm)
  • Appetizers- Easy-to-pick-up foods to eat before the main meal. (Andrea from Pencils and Pancakes)
  • Main dishes- Self explanatory. (Kendra from Veggie Dancer)
  • Side dishes- This can be anything from vegetables to stuffing to a traditional family favorite. (Olivia from Liv Lives Life)
  • Bread- Sweet breads, savory breads, muffins, fruit cake, etc. (Juli from 1000 Lovely Things)
  • Cookies- One of the essentials for Santa on Christmas Eve! 😉 (GiGi from Gigi Eats Celebrities)
  • Pie/Cake/Cheesecake/Pudding- Almost every celebration has them. (Cat from Cat Food is Good for You)
  • Candy/Fudge- This can be simple homemade candy and/or seasonal twists on delicious fudge.
  • Nut butters and spreads- Come on, you nut butter lovers out there know that this is a holiday must! (Kathleen from Kat’s Health Corner
  • Leftovers- An inevitable part. Some creative, allergy-friendly suggestions for what to do with them would be so helpful!

**If you are listed as “tentative” above that means that we have discussed a theme but I haven’t 100% verified that you can do it. Let me know if you’re still able to or would like to change, and what day you want!**

Thanks in advance to everyone who participates!


Please comment below with what days you are available, and what themes you would like to host. List them in order of preference so that I can work our the schedule and find the best fit for everyone!

Are there any themes that you would rather see, or do you have any questions about the round-up details? Nothing is set in stone and if you have a good suggestion for improvement, I’m all ears! 🙂

As always, if you don’t want to leave a comment here, you can also e-mail me at alleyhays[at]gmail[dot]com (<<< I promise I will get a better one soon with my actual name! 😉 ).

And if for any reason you end up being not able to post, please e-mail me immediately. If you could find a blogger that would be willing to replace you in that event, I would thoroughly appreciate it, but if not, the sooner I know, the sooner I can find someone!

60 thoughts on “12 Days of Allergy-Free Christmas Recipes— Everything you Need to Know, and How to Sign Up

  1. Hi! I would love to do a post on Christmas cookies for santa!! I have been collecting some already for my brother and I (we both have allergies) that would work great! I could even do a post on holiday drinks (i.e. ciders, hot coco, egg nog, ect). Love to help 🙂

    • Hi Rosie! I just had someone ask me about doing the cookie post about 10 minutes ago (GiGi from Gigieatscelebrities.com just in case you have any awesome cookie suggestions for her 😉 ). So if you are able to host the holiday drinks post that would be fantastic!

      I am usually just a baker or cook… the only drinks that I make are smoothies for my dad or milkshakes for my brother. So I would love for someone else to takeover the drinks!

      Is there any particular days that you would like to post? Maybe somewhere in the first six days?

  2. The Bread/ fruit cake post is perfect! Love it! I already have tons of recipes 🙂
    Monday the 16th would be ideal! I also could do the 19th or 20th. Just let me know. Great idea! I am so thrilled to join. Thanks again for asking me 🙂

    • If the 16th works best for you then I’ll put you down for that! Thanks for letting me know about the 19th and 20th though too. I’ll keep you as a back-up just in case someone can only do the 16th– we might need to switch, but I’d let you know! Thanks Juli 🙂

  3. I am all about the snacks/appetizers but what would you consider allergy free? I just only really stick to gluten free… but i don’t mind trying to make some of them vegan or something as well. I suck at these kind of things so I probably won’t be able to do a post but I will certainly be loving reading these!!!

    • I’m using the term allergy-free in a very general way. Just meaning that the recipes included will be at least “free” of something. So maybe if someone has the snack post they would round-up a nut-free trail mix, vegan cheese and crackers, and then share their own recipe for gluten-free granola bars. Something like that.

      Only one recipe would be your own (and could just be gluten-free) and the rest would just be links/pictures to the recipes of others.

      I definitely don’t think you would suck at this, and would be thrilled to have you do a snacks post if you’re up for the challenge! 🙂

  4. I wanna join! If you still have room I can post any day from the 18th onwards. I’d love to do snacks or drinks but I’m totally flexible 🙂 GF is my speciality but I’m sure I could come up with a few good dairy free or nut free goodies!

    • Great! I think we have someone for the drinks (I’m just waiting for her response back) but snacks are free. I’ll put you down for the 18th. I’m trying to fill up the beginning days first for those that are busier and not able to post until their break time. A gluten-free snack would be fine and dairy/nut-free even better! You can also just cover the other bases with the recipes you round-up 🙂 Thanks Sarah! Let me know if you have any questions as you start working on your post or recipes.

  5. Gah! I was too late and only the later days are available, which I’m not sure I’ll be able to stick to 😦 I do love that you’re doing something like this, though, especially since I suffer from allergies myself and it can be annoying to have to modify recipes that I come across. Pesky peanuts…

  6. I LOVE this idea, and if I weren’t hosting my Veggie of the Month link up this month I would totally join in. I will be visiting all these blogs for suggestions though. I get so sad when I see a delicious recipe…and then it has pb in it! And I have no idea how to substitute other stuff. This is so great!!

  7. I would love to do a side dish! I’m thinking about bread of some sort, but I’ll have to keep mulling things over.
    Breakfast would be so much fun to do, but as you know I’ll be busy on those days. Bummer. But anyway, please sign me up for a side dish! 🙂

    Thanks for being so organized and having such a good idea!

  8. Pingback: Smile, It’s WIAW (Amish Friendship Bread) | Eating 4 Balance

  9. Pingback: Thursdays are for Thinking Out Loud #1 | Eating 4 Balance

  10. Pingback: Five on Friday #5 – A thrill of Christmas anticipation | 1000 lovely things

  11. Pingback: Breakfast Foods: 12 Days of Allergy Free Christmas Recipes Day 2 | Sprouts n Squats

  12. Hey Madison, I could do a post on Nut Butters if you’d like! Nut butters are simply heavenly!!!!! 😀 What things do I need to do to arrange the post? Make a recipe for it and list other recipes?

  13. Pingback: Christmas Drinks | Cooking up a Storm

  14. I can’t believe no one has chosen fudge or candies yet. I actually ate too many holiday candies yesterday. They were a gift from a coworker and I love the real homemade deal so I splurged. I’m now feeling the inklings of a cold coming on, so I’m going to suck down some beet juice and try to ingest my system with nutrients to counter the potential, looming cold.

    • Me either. For today’s post I had to decide between the fudge/candies or leftovers. I went the more practical route of course.

      Eek. I’ve had the inklings of a cold for the past week and I’m just hoping it doesn’t go full out, especially with the holidays. Same for you! Feel better.

  15. Pingback: Roasted Vegetables with Balsamic Reduction Glaze | Liv Lives Life

  16. Pingback: Gluten-Free: Not You Too Santa! - GiGi Eats Celebrities

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