My Lunch With the Dietitian (Day 2 at School)

Thanks for all of the “likes” on my last post!

My meeting with the school’s dietitian went great. We met at 11:00 and she led me around to all of the places that I would be able to eat. That totaled to three. Not a lot compared to the 20 or more places to eat on campus, but I’ll take it!

My favorite part was when she introduced me to all of the chefs and managers at the dining locations. Two were All You Can Eat chefs and one was a chef at your typical pick-and-pay venue.

Basically, the dietitian sent an email out before hand about all of my allergies so they knew what to expect. They also knew that I can’t digest fats right now, so whenever they cook anything for me, it has to be with water or occasionally olive oil.

I got most of their business cards and/or a way to contact them. So if I am in a hurry and need something on the go, I can just shoot them an email beforehand. Totally cool.

Before I parted ways with the dietitian we decided to test out one of the All You Can Eat Places of my choosing. I went with the one that had the friendliest chef. He was all smiles and more than willing to accommodate me. He actually said, “You return home fat, and your parents will be so happy because they know that you will be well fed.” Ahhh…. Thanks for the thought, really!

First we headed over to the grill where we asked if I could have some chicken cooked with water. Instant problem. Yes they could do that, but there was oil in the marinade…. Just great.

Then, out of the corner of my eye Chef appeared! He asked what I need and said, “No problem, what kind of vegetables do you want with that?” I looked over the selection and picked onions and mushrooms. “I’ll bring it out when it’s ready.” WOW.

I also got a plate of salad (lettuce + cucumbers) and grapes before sitting down at a tall cafe-style table. I chatted with the dietitian about food, cooking, and our families. Within 10 minutes a hot plate of food came out delivered by the chef personally. “I only gave you one chicken tenderloin, but I have another cooked in case you wanted it. I didn’t know how hungry you were.” LOVE. THIS. GUY.


Sadly I didn’t get a picture of the chicken. But just LOOK at that plate of salad! 🙂

The food was very flavorful for being cooked just in water. I guess that’s why he’s the one getting paid.

After I parted with the dietitian I had some opening weekend events to attend along with my first class. Afterwards, my parents came up for an induction ceremony and a goodbye dinner at the place of our choosing.

Of course, I picked the same dining hall as before. The grill was closed, but I asked for the chef and he appeared. With a smile he asked what I wanted and I said the same thing as before, but this time two chickens. My parents were confused with what was happening, but took it all in stride.

I got the same plate of salad and sat down. With wide eyes my parents watched at the chef came and delivered my plate. They both shook his hand and introduced themselves. They thanked him so much and he said, “I’ll cook her whatever she wants.” He just won my parents’ hearts.


This is a photo of what I ate for lunch the day AFTER. I figured that you all didn’t want to see re-used images. And I know… NO protein. I was in a rush!

My dad couldn’t stop smiling. He was just flabbergasted. “I am so jealous.” Out of habit, he almost reached over with his fork to try my onions and mushrooms. “Wait, that’s your food,” he said and quickly pulled back his fork.

Then it was time to say goodbye (for real) and they were on their way.

I had a few more events that night and then I hit the sack at around midnight. Up at 6:30 to type this post!

And for breakfast…

Sweet Pumpkin Microwave Muffin. (My mother so kindly brought me my protein powder and stevia yesterday so I didn’t have to go without).


This looks really thin, but it was actually an inch or two thick. Times this by two for a filling breakfast!


Yes, this is a terrible picture. Very grainy and pixely. I just wanted to include this for contrast to the picture below.



Isn’t android photo editor awesome?! This picture went from barely able to discern to the semi-awesome-nothing-special-but-you-CAN-tell-what it is picture above.

Today I finally get to meet my roommate (DAY 3). So excited! Off to clean…


What editing software do you use for your pictures?

Do you have to make “special” orders at restaurants?

Did you know your roommate before college?

One thought on “My Lunch With the Dietitian (Day 2 at School)

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