What I Read on this Fabulous Wednesday (And a New Recipe)

And so it begins.

Seriously, I knew last semester was too good to be true. Yes, I did have homework, but as expected, I think this semester is going to be much much harder in regards to both in and out of class work. Yay me.


It’s going great though! I’ve been reading some awesome books. I finished Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead before school even started. Right now I’m in the process of reading Frankenstein and The Search for Meaning, both great in their own right. Frankenstein, of course, is a gothic horror novel written by Mary Shelley. (So far it’s not too scary).What you may not know though is that it is also classified as a romantic piece and has beautiful prose that captures you right from Chapter 1.


The Search for Meaning is just what it sounds like- a philosophical investigation into thinking about the meaning of life. The author goes through 8 different “worldviews” or approaches in determining your own personal meaning of life. My Great Ideas class is based on us learning about the 8 different worldviews, and reading literature that corresponds with each of them.


My favorite class as of now may have to be Inquiry into Physics.

Any teacher that references Monty Python to make a point has an A+ in my book!

Other than school, things have been going just alright. Sadly I wasn’t feeling up to posting on Monday, but I sorely missed doing MIMM and reading blogs. Over the weekend I think I may have caught something and felt some ill side effects. I was doing pretty well on GAPS up until that point, but the weekend set me back a bit. Right now I’m trying to add back in some of the things that I had to eliminate, but I’m feeling much better now. I had planned on introducing some of the foods on the next stage of GAPS, but I’m going to wait until the upcoming weekend. I didn’t want to rush anything. Thankfully I was able to try some new vegetables, which you’ll see in my WIAW for this week. There is even a new recipe to share! Big, huge thanks to Jenn at Peas and Crayons.

Now to my recent eats:

Chicken and Vegetable Soup with Carrots and Yellow Squash “Pasta”


Frozen Organic Sweet Peas cooked in broth


Really tasty, but not very exciting, am I right? So, how about a new recipe? I haven’t shared one of those in a while. This is adapted from a recipe that I found on Heart of Cooking, an allergy-free menu planning website. I shared the link and picture on my last Friday Food Finds.

Cauliflower Rice Risotto

Vegan Option, GAPS Diet-Friendly, Allergy-Free, Low Calorie, Paleo

Adapted from Heart of Cooking

Makes 2 Servings



  • 1/2 head cauliflower
  • 1 cup broth (any kind will work)
  • 1/2 cup mashed squash (butternut or acorn)
  • 2 tbsp fresh parsley
  • salt to taste


  1. Wash the cauliflower and cut off the fibrous stem. Then pulse in a food processor until chopped up into small, rice-sized pieces.
  2. Over medium heat add the cauliflower pieces and half of the broth. Cook for about 5 minutes or until the broth is absorbed.
  3. Add the rest of the broth and cover to simmer for another 5 to 10 minutes.
  4. Mix in the mashed squash, careful not to mash the cauliflower in the process (it’s supposed to resemble rice, not mashed potatoes!).
  5. Top with parsley and salt to serve. Refrigerate for at least once hour if you prefer cold risotto like me!


This recipe makes a great side or snack. I had half for supper paired with some crock pot chicken and topped with coconut oil. Later on I ate the rest cold. Fantastic! Now I’m off to read some more Frankenstein, or Life of Pi, or one of the other gazillion books that I have to read. I haven’t decided yet.




What have you been reading lately?

What is your favorite movie to reference?

49 thoughts on “What I Read on this Fabulous Wednesday (And a New Recipe)

  1. Ooh carrot pasta!

    I’ve been reading 1984 by George Orwell. SUCH A GOOD BOOK, well I think so anyway. I recommend it to anyone who is curious about dictatorships and totalitarian states. Or if youre a history nut just like me 😉

  2. Organic Sweet Peas frozen? Hmm, I’ve never tried them. I bet they would taste pretty good soaked in maple syrup & frozen too 🙂

    p.s. thanks for this recipe. Since I just bought a food processor AND cauliflower today, I have no reason not to try it out!!

    • That’s the only form of sweet peas that we could find at the grocery store and I said “I’ll take ’em!” 😀 They would be amazing topped in maple syrup!

      It’s destiny. Really. You need to make this risotto. How fun that you got a new food processor!

    • I haven’t had any free time it seems. All of these books are requirements for class, and while they’re good… They’re not exactly something that I would pick out on my own. I hope you can find some time to squeeze in some reading!

  3. I read Frankenstein some years back. I was amazed at how the story changed so when it was made into movies. Kenneth Brannagh’s Frankenstein is the one that comes closest to the book. If you’ve never seen it, it is worth it. Heartbreaking actually. Let me know if you have a chance to see it, Madison, I’d be interested in what you think.

  4. I love making recipes with cauliflower! My favorite is cheesy “bread” 🙂 SO GOOD! I totally agree with the facebook ecard. I can never focus so I used to put a block on my computer so I couldn’t use it while studying!

    • I’m always surprised each time how close it comes to tasting like the real thing.

      That block is a good idea. I normally post something on Facebook like “Now unplugging so I can do some real work.” That way it holds me responsible and I’d look stupid if I posted something else 🙂

  5. Your Great Ideas class sounds like it would be right up my ally! I want to take it through you haha…what else are you reading for it?? That chicken and veggie soup looks tasty 🙂 I am currently reading Gaining, which has been enlightening and good for me, and my favorite movie reference is anything from LOTR or Harry Potter…fantasy nerd and proud of it 😉

    • We are also reading The Handmaid’s Tale, The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (love that book!), The Last Temptation of Christ, The Unbearable Lightness of Being, and Saturday.

      Whenever I see a reference to Harry Potter or LOTR I always stop and read it. If I see it on Pinterest I automatically repin it 🙂

  6. I just started reading Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children. So far it’s very interesting and I think it’s going to be a fast read 🙂
    My favorite movie to reference has to be Mean Girls. All. the. way.

  7. Your Great Ideas class sounds interesting. As an English/philosophy double major, I loved topics like that. And, embarrassingly, I’ve never read Frankenstein.
    Right now I’m reading J.K. Rowling’s The Casual Vacancy. So far, it’s ok, but it’s just not captivating me. Maybe because I only read a (short) chapter or 2 at a time.
    That cauliflower risotto looks great!

    • I bet you would love this class with your major. Definitely keep me updated on how you like The Casual Vacancy. I’ve heard mixed reviews so I don’t know what to think.

      And thanks. It think it’s the first recipe that I’m going to make on Friday when I have a kitchen to use!

    • I’m really glad that I’m being “forced” to read some of these books, because otherwise I’d have never given them a second glance. Honestly, most of the things I read are much lighter and a lot more superficial.

  8. This post makes me miss college! I read Frankenstein for an English class my last semester of school. It was pretty scary but I liked it and always enjoyed my discussion classes. True English major right here! What are you studying?

    • I’m about half way and it hasn’t gotten to any real frightening “scary” parts, but it is psychologically very twisted and “scary.” I can’t wait for our discussions in class about it. I’m sure they’ll be quite interesting.

      My major is accounting. Doesn’t really fit! Lol.

  9. Good book suggestions! Over break I read one called Crooked Letter, Crooked Letter which was super good, but now I’m reading all that is required for my classes. Luckily, I’m an English lit major, so we get some pretty good stuff. 😉

    AND OH MY that risotto looks so good! Thanks for sharing!

    • I don’t think I’m going to be able to read anything other than the books required for my classes. Haha. Maybe I’ll squeeze in one or two during slow times 🙂

      Let me know if you try the risotto. It was pretty good, especially cold!

  10. Pingback: Me, Currently | Eating 4 Balance

  11. I’m reading the Game of Thrones series right now, which is you are a an of LOTR’s, you’ll probably like, my People magazine (two weeks behind), and the winter Eating Well magazine (a month behind). One day, I’m going to do nothing but read for hours on end.
    I loved Frankenstein and want to read The Life of Pi. Good lucking keeping up with everything.

    • I’ve heard many good things about Game of Thrones. Have you ever watched the TV show? That’s supposed to be good too.

      And I love my Eating Well magazine! I read them straight through as soon as they arrive in the mail 🙂

      • I have watched the show, and it’s pretty good too. I’m trying to finish this third one before the third series starts this spring.
        I used to read right through the Eating Well’s, but I can’t seem to find the time anymore, although I still love them.

  12. Pingback: My Souper Weekend (WIAW) | Eating 4 Balance

  13. Pingback: Peas Please! (WIAW) | Eating 4 Balance

  14. Pingback: What I Ate During my Last Week in Veggie-ville | Eating 4 Balance

  15. Pingback: New Things in 2013 and My Goal for 2014 | Eating 4 Balance

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