Bust a Move Cause It’s Friday

I’m usually not one to name posts based on song titles (except for this one), however I guess Alex is rubbing off on me 🙂

This song has been playing on my computer for the last few minutes:

We had an impromptu music session in my Great Ideas class today. Instead of discussing Sherlock Holmes and pragmatic reasoning one of the girls pulled “Bust Your Windows” up on her laptop and I was introduced to Jazmine Sullivan. It’s no Cascadia, but I can see why my teacher got a little excited. It’s a pretty good beat to dance to. *Shakes hips*

*Or not?*

Friday is usually just a big jumble of everything, and today will be no different.

First up, a few posts that I’ve been loving this week:

Junk Your Bathroom Challenge by The Polivka Family- Do you know what the ingredients are in your everyday bathroom products?


10 Uses for Coconut Oil That You Haven’t Tried Yet by Empowered Sustenance- I’ve been using it as a makeup remover forever!


Milk Aspartame FDA Petition by NaturalNews.com- Ya, you read that right. The dairy industry wants the FDA to allow aspartame and sucralose (Splenda) to be included in regular dairy products without having to include it in the ingredients list.


The Allergy Buster by New York Times- Hope for those with severe food allergies.


A few food pins that look to die for:

Almond Butter Pancakes


Pumpkin Ice Cream


The Two Minute Paleo Blueberry Muffin


One lovely “I can still dream” food pin:

Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Ice Cream Pie


A few funny pins that I literally died laughing at:

Happy Belated Pi Day!


Britney Spears Humor-


Creepiest Cat Ever-


Pins That Make Me Feel Like I’m Not Alone in the World:

All of the time-


Sadly yes-


Haha. Maybe?-




And finally, a recipe that’s been a week in coming:

Paleo Tagalongs

Paleo Tagalongs

Paleo Girl Scout Tagalongs

Cookie Recipe adapted from L. Michelle and Chocolate Recipe adapted from Chocolate-Covered Katie

Servings: Approximately 9 cookies

Grain/Gluten/Wheat-Free, Vegetarian, Dairy-Free, Nut-Free Option, GAPS/Paleo Friendly

Paleo Tagalongs


  • 1 cup nut/seed flour (I used mostly almond flour)*
  • 1 egg*
  • 1 tbsp coconut oil
  • 2 tbsp honey
  • 1/8 tsp sea salt
  • 9 tsp (or 3 tbsp) of nut/seed butter*
  • 1/4 cup cocoa 
  • 1/4 cup coconut oil
  • 2 tbsp honey


1. Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.

2. Combine well the first four ingredients- flour, egg, honey and salt.

Paleo Tagalongs
3. Measure out heaping tablespoons of the dough and roll into balls. Distribute evenly on parchment paper and flatten with fingertips.

Paleo Tagalongs

4. Bake the cookies for 10-14 minutes (I baked them for 14 minutes, but oven temps vary) until they are firm.

Paleo Tagalongs

Paleo Tagalongs

5. Put one teaspoon of nut/seed butter onto each cookie. Spread out to cover the entire top. Place in freezer to cool.

Paleo Tagalongs

6. Meanwhile, put the cocoa powder, coconut oil, and honey into a food processor and blend until smooth.

Paleo Tagalongs

Paleo Tagalongs

Paleo Tagalongs

7. Remove the cookies from the freezer after about 10 minutes.

Paleo Tagalongs

8. Using a spoon, drizzle the chocolate mixture onto the tops of the cookies. 

Paleo Tagalongs

9. Freeze until hardened and enjoy!

Paleo Tagalongs

Paleo Tagalongs

Notes: For a non-Paleo version, I would recommend peanut butter. For Paleo, I used cashew butter with much success, but any other nut butter like almond would work well too. For those with nut allergies, use sunflour in the cookies and sunbutter for the topping. For those with egg allergies, Chocolate-Covered Katie has an awesome vegan Tagalong recipe

Also to note, for a true authentic Tagalong cookie, I would double the ingredients for the chocolate mixture and coat both sides of the cookie. None of my family had ever had a Tagalong before, so I didn’t know that’s how they went 😉

Recipe shared at: Thank Goodness It’s MondayFat Tuesday, Wheat Free Wednesday


And now, I leave you to bust a move cause it’s Friday!


What are some posts or pins that you have been loving this week?

What are your plans for the weekend?

What song have you been “busting a move to” recently?

38 thoughts on “Bust a Move Cause It’s Friday

  1. I have literally bookmarked these cookies to make this weekend! So going to do it! Also, the relatable pin is fantastic – totally how I feel the majority of the time! 🙂 x

    • Excited for you to try them. I’ve never had a tagalong cookie before so I hope they’re close to the real thing! 🙂

      And I love e-cards. They’re basically all of my inner thoughts when someone does something ridiculous. Haha.

  2. Oh my gosh! Those cookies! I need to start a list of different desserts I want to make after Lent is over 🙂 they look amazing! Also, that pumpkin ice cream looks really good. Is it too soon to wish it was almost fall? 😀 I could just switch between winter and fall all year!!

    • I completely forgot that you gave up desserts for lent! Sorry to tempt you 😀 If it makes you feel any better I didn’t have any either 🙂 Haha.

      I wish that it was fall too because that means semi-warmer weather, leaves, pumpkin, Thanksgiving… And then CHRISTMAS all over again! Lol.

    • Even if the words associated with the cat picture are stupid, I will always laugh because that cat’s face is just so darn funny.

      If I were you, I’d keep a post-it note stack by my desk and write down all of the awesome recipes so you don’t forget when you come home from work. 🙂

  3. That pumpkin ice cream sounds awesome, and you seriously have no idea how excited I am to see the homemade Tagalongs recipe! I have been trying to wait patiently but it has been difficult with pictures like that! Yum :).

  4. Ok that car pin and going out pin just made me die of laughter (and the going out one describes me to a t hahaha)….those pancakes and ice cream pins look heavenly as well 🙂

    • Really? I’m down for pumpkin whenever. Now, I won’t go making pumpkin pie or anything, but ice cream is a summery-springish food, right? So, pumpkin ice cream isn’t too far out there 😀

  5. The tagalong recipe looks waaaaaay goooood! Everyone I know is all for Thin Mints, but Tagalongs have ALWAYS been my favorite 😛

    • I wouldn’t necessarily call myself Paleo either, although everything I eat falls within the Paleo scope. I just label it that way because it helps explain what the recipe is all about. And absolutely! No matter if you’re Paleo or not, you’d love this recipe 🙂

  6. Holy cow, there are so many things I love in this post. Coconut oil is fabulous for putting on in the shower- so smooth all day! Keep em coming girl!

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