First Full Day at College

Greetings from my college dorm room!


Thank you for all of your comments on my last WIAW post. They were lovely and so positive! I don’t usually wear glasses because I have contacts, but I thought that it would be a good idea to have some for back-up just in case.

Right now I am sitting on my big comfy chair, eating a can of green beans for breakfast, and blogging.


Today on my agenda is … meeting with the school’s dietitian this morning, who is going to help me figure out how I can eat on their meal plan will all of my allergies. Then I’m going to walk around campus and try to figure out where everything is at. This also includes locating a printer, because I need to print off a report that is due today at 2:00 pm. (Yay!) Then I will test out my new food-skills by eating at one of the dining halls.

To be honest, this really scares me. I haven’t eaten out in a few months, and when I do, I usually just bring my own food. I’m always just so scared that I will eat something wrong and my stomach will start hurting again. The dietitian said that this is totally doable though, so I’m putting my trust in her!

At 2:00 pm I have my first Honors Critical Thinking class. We are going to discuss our reports and summer reads. Scared and excited! 🙂

My parents are coming back up later this afternoon for a goodbye dinner that the Honors Community is hosting. I have been texting and emailing my mom ever since she left… with a list of things that I forgot.


After that I have a hall meeting and some other optional-ice breaker activities where I will probably use the “optional” part to my full advantage. Sunday my roommate is moving in (she was at the Olympics… So Jealous!).

That’s all that I have to say right now, but I’ll be back later with hopefully a positive report on my food adventures for the day! Most likely no pictures though. Sorry!

What is on your agenda today?

Have you ever met with a dietitian before?

What is a “must-have” for your dorm room?

2 thoughts on “First Full Day at College

  1. Pingback: My Lunch With the Dietitian (Day 2 at School) | Eating 4 Balance

  2. Pingback: College and Classes and Dorms… Oh My! (WIAW) | Eating 4 Balance

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