Friday Food Finds #2

It’s F-R-I-D-A-Y!

*Cue Lonestar Music*

Monday was a bummer, Tuesday was another day they could’ve left out of the week. Wednesday nearly got me, Thursday all but stopped me. I was broken down and beat. But then I started feelin’ strong… when Friday finally came along…


And that means it’s time for another…

If you missed my last F.F.F. check out Friday Food Finds #1 and my Labor Day WIAW where I share all of the F.F.F. recipes I made!

In case you are new to F.F.F. (which you probably are since I just made it up 2 weeks ago…) then let me fill you in. Since I am a lowly college student without access to a proper kitchen, I like to gather up all of the recipes that have caught my eye recently all onto one page. Then this weekend while I’m home I will do my best to contain myself make most of these wonderful recipes.

All allergy-free of course.

So let’s get started:

Stuft GNC Protein Goo

Blueberry Banana Ice Cream with rice milk and spinach

Vegan Pancakes (with alterations of course! Quinoa flakes and rice milk)

Still haven’t made these awesome-looking yet: Homemade Quinoa Pitas

Left over from last time: Protein Ice Cream

Homemade Rice Milk Attempt #2. It went alright last time, but I want to try again (reaching4perfection!).

Healthy Fried Rice (With Zucchini, carrots, kale, squash, salt and maybe broiling in the oven?)

Protein Pancakes (with brown rice protein, guar gum, chia egg and pumpkin!)

Or maybe THESE pancakes

Spiral-ized Vegetable Pasta

***Edited to add:

Pumpkin Protein Cookie… I just saw this and it looks great! (Quinoa for oatmeal)


Any recipes that have caught your eye lately? Let me know!

Itā€™s really hard for me to find recipes that donā€™t need adapting, so any tips are appreciated. Here are my criteria just in case you have a recipe in mind: MUST BE egg-free, milk-free, gluten-free (no oats), peanut-free, corn-free, celery-free, tomato-free. For the time being, I am also avoiding all nuts/oil/seeds, beans, and a few fruits/veggies that cause me stomach problems.

If you find a recipe that meets some or most of that criteria, post a comment on here! Also, if you see something SUPER AWESOME that is a great ā€œconceptā€ post a comment. I love experimenting in the kitchen!

22 thoughts on “Friday Food Finds #2

  1. Pingback: Giddy Up! Round Up! (Friday Food Finds #3) | Eating 4 Balance

  2. could you tolerate certified gluten-free oats? also, my daughter can’t have chicken eggs, but she can have duck eggs. we get them from a local farmer. ask around at your local farmer’s market to see if you can track anyone down. adding GF oats and duck eggs when available gave us a lot more options. (oh, you can also get little quail eggs from various asian markets). And, we use a vitamix to grind whole grain GF flour. We make a combo of brown rice, millet and teff then add potato and tapioca starch and keep it in the freezer. Even if you don’t grind it though, you can make your own flour mix: 1 C rice, 1/2 C millet, 1/2 teff, 2/3 C tapioca, 1/3 C potato. Rice flour by itself is sort of awful, i think. we make pancakes with the above mix (with or without eggs) and pass them off to the neighbor kids–nobody notices!

    • I’ve tried gluten-free oats and they just don’t bode well with my stomach. In fact I can’t eat a lot of grains right now. As my stomach heals I hope to incorporate more though.

      I haven’t tried duck eggs, but that sounds like a good option to try. My allergies have caused me a lot of other problems as well, and as soon as I am symptom-free for a while I hope to try out all of those other options. Duck eggs will be at the top of my list!

      This weekend I actually made some banana bread using brown rice flour, sorghum flour, millet flour and tapioca flour. It turned out amazing (so much better than my old one) and I hope to post the recipe soon. I think I will have it occasionally, but (as I said before) grains just don’t like me. EVEN though I love them!! Haha.

      Thanks so much for the tips and lovely comment. Hope to read more of your posts soon šŸ™‚

  3. Pingback: Things I’ll Never Know I’ll Never Know (And Another FFF!) | Eating 4 Balance

  4. Pingback: Sunshine in My Fridays | Eating 4 Balance

  5. Pingback: Another Edition of Friday Food Finds (#6) | Eating 4 Balance

  6. Pingback: What is Normal Anyways (Plus FFF) | Eating 4 Balance

  7. Pingback: Allergen-Free Soup Recipe Round Up (FFF) and 3 Things I’ve Been Loving Lately | Eating 4 Balance

  8. Pingback: FFF Returns! | Eating 4 Balance

  9. Pingback: These Girls Are on Fire | Eating 4 Balance

  10. Pingback: Friday Food Finds #12 | Eating 4 Balance

  11. Pingback: Coming Soon to a Blog Near You | Eating 4 Balance

  12. Pingback: Friday Food Finds #14- Buried Alive | Eating 4 Balance

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